10 Best Exercises To Relieve Lower Back Pain

According to the World Health Organization, the lifetime prevalence of lower back pain worldwide is around 60% to 70%. Even more alarming, lumbago is the leading cause of disability in young adults.

Thankfully, even chronic pain can improve considerably through regular workout. Take a look at the ten best exercises to relieve your lower back pain in an instant.

10 – Bridges

Glute Bridge

Also called the Glute Bridge, this exercise relieves your lower back pain by strengthening the muscles of the area.

To perform it, lie on your back with your knees flexed, feet open at about hip-width and arms on either side of your body. When you’re ready, take a deep breath and lift your hips upwards, aligning them in a straight line with your shoulders and knees. 

Hold the position for ten seconds and repeat from eight to twelve times. 

9 – Pelvic tilts

Pelvic tilts

The pelvic tilt is a move meant to strengthen abdominal and hamstring muscles, adding mobility to your lower back muscles and increasing flexibility.

Start by lying on your back, knees bent, and feet pressed flat on the floor at hip-width. Once ready, tighten your stomach muscles and flatten your lower back into the floor. Said action would make your pelvis tilt forward towards your heels, making you arch your back.

Hold the position for ten seconds, then repeat for ten to fifteen times.

8 – Wall sits

Wall sits

Wall sits provide the stretch and effort on specific muscles, while still providing support to your lower back. Thus, you get the workout without needless strain.

Turn your back towards a wall, standing approximately twelve inches away from it. Once in position, carefully lean back and press your back flat against the surface, tightening the core muscles of your stomach. Then proceed to slide down, flexing your knees slightly. Hold the position for ten seconds, and repeat.

7 – Press-up back extensions

Press-up back extensions

Back extensions are a gentle way to stretch and tone the lower back muscles, strengthening your body and aiding in pain relief.

Atop a comfortable surface, lie on your stomach, arms, and hands pressed flat under your shoulders. Then, use your arm strength to prompt your torso upwards, lifting your shoulders from the floor.

Keep this position for ten seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat.

6 – Knee-to-chest stretches

Knee-to-chest stretches

Knee-to-chest stretches have a notorious effect on the lower back, hamstrings, and glutes. Subsequently, they strengthen the whole area to guarantee pain reduction.

Lie on your back, feet flat on the floor and knees flexed. Then, carefully bring one of your knees towards your chest until you feel a stretch on your back. Use your hands to hold your knee or thigh and help you bring the leg even closer to your body.

Hold the position for half a minute, then repeat the movement with the other leg.

5 – Bird-dog exercise

Bird-dog exercise

Lowering the risk for back pain is all about strengthening the muscles of the affected area. The bird-dog is perfect for building the resilience your body needs.

Atop a comfortable surface, position yourself on your hands and knees, tightening your stomach muscles. Once stable, extend your right leg and your left arm, keeping both parallel to the floor.

Hold the position 2-5 seconds, then repeat the same procedure with your left leg and right arm.

4 – Partial crunches

Partial crunches

Partial crunches provide the strengthening benefits of regular crunches, with aggravating your pre-existing pain.

Lie down on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Your arms can be crossed over your chest, but it’s best if you hold your nape for extra leverage. Once ready, tighten your stomach muscles and lift your shoulders off the floor, keeping your hips on the ground.

Only use your core strength to lift your body and repeat 10-12 times.

3 – Hamstring stretches

Hamstring stretches

Strengthening your hamstring muscles is essential to reduce lumbago, as they help you diminish the impact of daily life on your back.

Lie flat on your back, legs stretched. Then, lift one leg without flexing the knee. Wrap a towel, shirt, or piece of cloth around your heel and use your hands to pull it down. Hold the position for up to 30 seconds and do ten repetitions.

2 – Cat-Cow stretches

Cat-Cow stretches

Cat-cow is one of the quintessential yoga stretches, widely considered to be the best spinal exercise to relieve back pain.

Position yourself on all fours, ensuring your wrists align with your shoulders and your knees with your hips. Once ready, drop your head and look at the floor as you round your back. Hold the position, then arch your back and lift your head and tailbone upwards.

Shift between both positions for up to three minutes.

1 – Swimming

Low impact aerobic exercises remain the best alternative for people with lumbago, as they tone the body without causing strain.

However, aquatic exercises may be the best of them all.

Water provides support and resistance at the same time, meaning extra effort without additional impact on the body. In a study, over 90% of the studied population reported remarkable improvement within six months.

Bottom line? Sweat, but don’t sweat it!

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