The Most 10 Common Causes Of Our Headaches

If you are one of those who has never had a headache in your life, you do not have to read anything further.
You might be surprised to learn that there’s a fairly lengthy list of causes of constant headaches and more than 300 different types of headaches.
If it’s not just an impending visit from your mother-in-law here are The Most 10 Common Causes Of your Headaches.

The Most 10 Common Causes Of Our Headaches

10 – Dehydration

This is the most common cause of a headache. Your body contains more than 60% water and consequently needs large quantities of water to maintain that percentage. To avoid this kind of headaches, adults should drink from 8 to 10 cups of liquid daily. Just keep in mind that not all liquids help, the coffee, and the soft drinks have an opposite effect.

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9 – Painkillers

Ironically, but true, almost half of these chronic headaches occur as a “kickback” caused by the overdose of painkillers. Overuse of any pain medication to treat headaches can cause what’s called a rebound headache.

8 – You drink too much coffee

Although the caffeine often helps with the headaches, the overuse of the caffeine can lead to the opposite effect.

Caffeine produces vasoconstriction in your blood vessels, meaning they get a little narrower. If you drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks daily, your body gets used to it. So when you skip it one day, your blood vessels don’t become constricted and can make your head hurt. It becomes a vicious cycle, slugging back a mug to find relief, and just further deepening your need for caffeine.

7 – Stress

The Most 10 Common Causes Of Our Headaches stress

If you’re suffering from headaches, stop and think about what’s going on in your life. How stressed are you? And are you just pushing your stress under the rug instead of dealing with it?

Tension headaches happen when the muscles of the neck and scalp tense up, and this can be a physical response that your body has to stress and anxiety.

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6 – Sinuses

Dry or blocked sinuses can cause a constant headache. They are followed by deep and continuous pain in the chest, forehead, and around the nose. The pain increases if you make a sudden and quick movement with your head.

To reduce these headaches, boil water in a bowl, stand over it and inhale the steam for several minutes. Cover your head with a blanket or tablecloth to limit the spreading of the steam. If you use this “therapy” daily, you will see some positive results in a short time.

5 – Noise

It’s not just loud, repetitive sounds. Even lower level on continuous noise can hurt. Calming music and headphones may help.

4 – Certain foods

The Most 10 Common Causes Of Our Headaches

Smoked fish, figs, red wine, aged cheeses all contain tyramine, an amino acid that’s been linked to migraines. 

Bacon, salami, hot dogs, and other processed meats contain nitrates, a preservative that may cause headaches, possibly by disrupting the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream.

Milk and some cereal products in rare situations can be also the cause of a headache.

3 – Lack of Physical Activity

Even though over-exertion can increase your risk for headaches, staying sedentary doesn’t help either. As with most things in life, moderation is key. Talk to your doctor before beginning or revising any exercise regimen.

2 – Hormones

When estrogen levels drop (especially right before your period), you may be more likely to get a headache. Keep track of your cycle and plan when you can. In fact, menstruation is one of the biggest migraine triggers for women.

1 – Sensitivity to smells

For some people, the smell that smoking gives off is enough to cause a headache or migraine. You can also have an allergy to cigarette smoke, which can trigger a headache when you’re around it.

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