10 Creatures Which Almost Look Unreal

Our planet is full of amazing creatures that we don’t even know about.
Most of us don’t grasp the variety of animals species that inhabit the Earth today, and some even get surprised as they find out there are some cool animals they haven’t heard of before with an unreal look. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of most amazing and weird animals in the world.

10 – Saiga Antelope

Saiga Antelope

No, this antelope doesn’t have a deformed or swollen nose. It’s supposed to look huge and humped over the mouth.
This weird-looking nose serves a purpose of protecting the saiga’s lungs from getting filled up with dust in the deserts and arid grasslands where it lives. It also cools hot summer air and warms cold winter air.
And it helps in mating season. Females normally choose the males with the biggest, squishiest nose!

9 – Ankole-Watusi Bull

Ankole-Watusi Bull

Often referred to as the “cattle of kings,” this African bull is a show-stopper, known for its unbelievably large horns that can reach up to eight feet from tip to tip and weigh up to 100 pounds each.

The Guinness World Record for the largest horn circumference belongs to CT Woodie whose horns measured 41 inches. This beauty you are looking at is Lurch, and his horns measure 38 inches in circumference.

8 – Alligator Gar

Alligator Gar

Alligator gars are really a species of fish often referred to as “living fossils” because they still retain the characteristics of their evolutionary ancestors, like their ability to breathe out of water for up to two hours.
Alligator gars can grow up to 10 feet long, weigh as much as 350 pounds, and live for 50 to 70 years

7 – Glass Frog

Glass Frog

It’s called a glass frog because you can see through its translucent belly skin where its internal organs are visible. There are about 60 different varieties of glass frogs, and they range in size and shades of green. Some also have spots.

6 – Basking Shark

Basking Shark

These peaceful creatures are similar, but unrelated to, whale sharks. They are so named because of their love for swimming in the warm, surface waters of temperate oceans all over the world as if basking in the sun.
Basking sharks are filter-feeders. When they open their mouths wide and swim forward, tiny bones projecting from the gills filter out the water out leaving tiny fish and small invertebrate creatures that they can eat.

5 – Maned Wolf

Maned Wolf

Want to see what all the canine species of the world would look like wrapped up into one animal? The result would most likely resemble the maned wolf.
The tallest wild canid (dog-like mammal) in the world, the maned wolf features a medley of traits that are similar to the wolf, fox, coyote, jackal, and dog.
In addition to its reddish-brown coat, long black legs, and large ears, the maned wolf has a black mane that trails from head to shoulders and stands up straight when the animal senses a threat.
Unlike other wolves, the maned wolf doesn’t form packs but prefers to remain solitary or in mating pairs. It is also monogamous, mating with the same partner for life.

4 – 89’98 Butterfly

89'98 Butterfly

Found only in Central and South America, this species of butterflies have back bands of patterns that look like the numbers 89 and 98 on the undersides of their wings.

Very active and easily disturbed, they rarely settle for more than a few seconds. They are often found near human habitations and are attracted to rotting fruit.

3 – Mudskippers


Mudskippers are amphibious fish that have evolved to live outside of the water as well. They are quite active out of the water and are often found socializing, feeding, courting potential partners, or defending their territories.
One of their interesting features is their side fins. Located a little lower on their body and oriented forwards, they function as legs when on land, helping them move.

2 – Wrap-Around Spider

Wrap-Around Spider

This Australian spider has a unique body that’s shaped like an inverted, concave dish allowing it to flatten itself on a branch perfectly, making it hard to detect.

1 – Silkie Chicken

Silkie Chicken

The silkie is the fluffiest chicken ever in the world. Its plumage is silky, like fur, and it comes in a variety of colors including lavender, red, and blue.
Their calm and friendly temperament and their extreme fluffiness make them a dream breed when it comes to getting a pet chicken.

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