10 Fascinating Things Your Body Does in Self-Defense

The human (and animal) body is quite amazing. And it is not easy to fully understand due to its complexity. There are many cycles that the body comprises of biologically and one of those include mechanisms for self-defense. Those mechanisms for self-defense are both done in a psychological and physiological way. They are a result of the unconscious mind as it is a skill used for natural survival.

They keep the body protected from harm so that health can be maintained. The 10 amazing things the body can do in self-defense is discussed below:



Fever is not fun putting it lightly, but they are necessary when it comes to foreign viruses and bacteria invading the system. The immune system is signaled when that happens and releases chemicals that are known as pyrogens. Pyrogens have an effect on the hypothalamus of the brain which is the temperature-regulator. It tricks the brain into believing the body is cooler than it is, and then the temperature is raised which is the fever that kills off the invaders. Fevers that are long-lasting that go on for more than a few days, however, are not normal and need to be checked.



Sometimes those goosebumps come up when you hear of a chilling story or you see a ghost. That is why you get those chills down your spine when they happen but this is a protective mechanism. They help keep the body warm in cooler conditions by not allowing the body heat to leave through pores as they tighten up the pores to keep heat from escaping.

Temporary Amnesia

Memory Loss

When it comes to serious trauma experienced such as sexual abuse or natural disasters, what happens is that you dissociate and end up losing your memory temporarily to block out what happened. Therefore, the traumatic details are forgotten which is what helps people move on. However, you are still affected by other aspects and will need therapy as a result. And the memories are still there in the mind but are not accessible.


Experiencing strong emotions Sneezing

Ever wonder why you sneeze at times when you don’t have a cold? That is because sneezing is a defense mechanism that prevents bacteria and viruses from getting into you from your nostrils, in addition to allergens and foreign particles. You sneeze when too many of those particles get into the nostrils and the body expels it that way. And sneezing from colds and from flu are obvious. Your eyes close when sneezing happens involuntarily because it is nature’s way of protecting your eyes from the microbes, allergens, or particles from going in.

Blinking Eyes

Blinking Eyes

You may not think much of why you blink, but that is nature’s way of keeping your eyes protected, healthy, and moist. You need to have your eyes moist. The inner eyelids are filled with tears which will moisten the eyes and at the same time, washes away particles from your eyes too. It is involuntary unless you are specifically told to blink.



As annoying as hiccups are, they are also a protective mechanism. They happen if you eat too fast and eat large pieces of food without chewing. This can easily harm the pneumogastric nerve which is tied to the stomach as well as the diaphragm. Hiccupping then is brought on to protect this nerve from any damage.



Whenever someone else yawns you may yawn as well. However, when you are tired or you are doing activities that are not stimulating, your brain would become heated. Therefore, yawning is a protective mechanism to prevent your brain from overheating. The inhalation helps bring down blood and spinal fluid from the brain in order to keep it cool.


Closeup of wound forming a scab after the skin was cut and bled.

If you have a wound, your open skin can be an invitation to foreign bacteria and viruses, and as a result, the body immediately forms a scab to seal up the skin so that it cannot happen. The blood has clotting agents that come into play when the scab is being formed. They are tempting to pick at because they are not comfortable. but knowing the purpose is the reason that they should not be picked.



After an injury or an insect bite, that area of your body will become inflamed in order to allow it to heal. Therefore, that is a protect-mechanism. However, once the wounded area is healed, the inflammation should go down. Chronic inflammation is not normal as it can be a result of allergies or autoimmune conditions.

“Pruney” Fingers

Pruney Fingers

A 2011 study published in Brain, Behavior and Evolution reports that wrinkled fingers and toes have a better grip on wet objects.

Another study published in 2013 in Biology Letters theorized that wrinkled fingers and toes might have helped our ancestors handle tools in rainy conditions or have steadier footing in wet conditions, providing an advantage over others animals.


Nausea and Vomiting

This is extremely unpleasant, but vomiting is necessary in order to purge out the toxins that have been consumed. When it comes to food poisoning, consuming too much alcohol, or consuming poisons through other means, the body protects itself by expelling the stomach contents to prevent any long-lasting effects. This is why vomiting happens in cases such as many viruses as if it is affecting the stomach, the stomach will purge it out.

Now, don’t you see how amazing the human body really is? Now you know why your body does what it does even though many of the defense mechanisms are far from pleasant!

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