10 little-known phobias

From a fear of peanut butter getting stuck on the top of your mouth to the fear of getting a phobia, these ten unusual phobias are absolutely real! This list proves that nearly anything can be terrifying to someone.

10 little-known phobias

Nomophobia – No Mobile Phone Phobia

Topping the list for bizarre and unusual phobias is the modern affliction, called nomophobia. This particular phobia is defined by feelings of anxiety that occur from being out of a phone’s range of service, misplacing the phone, or not having it charged. It is believed that over 50 percent of cell phone users are affected by nomophobia. People with nomophobia will never leave their home without a mobile, they will take it to the toilet and bathroom, and if you happen to see a person with nomophobia outside the network coverage area, you will surely witness a nervous breakdown!


If you think that metrophobia is a technique-related phobia, then you are gravely mistaken! What do you think is “metrophobia”? No, the subway and the subway tunnels have absolutely nothing to do with it! Metrophobia is the fear of poetry. People with this fear tend to dislike seeing, hearing, or writing poems.


Spectrophobia the fear of mirrors and one’s own reflection. The phobia tends to arise from a traumatic experience involving mirrors – possibly the fear of spirits or ghosts being in the mirror – or low self-esteem related to one’s physical appearance.


A good title, isn’t it? Of course, to pronounce it from the first time it is not possible, but you can already guess what people who suffer from this phobia are afraid of. Of course, Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – this is the fear of long words.


A very logical name for a bizarre phobia. People suffering from octophobia are afraid of the number “8”. For example, I don’t know how a person who is scared of the number eight makes phone calls, reads newspapers or uses kitchen appliances! This is not the most pleasant phobia, doctors say that in some cases, this phobia can lead to panic attacks and tachycardia.


The fifth on the list of unusual phobias is Genuphobia. Genuphobia is a pathological fear of the knee. A person suffering from Genuphobia will not wear shorts or short skirts, and the presence of other people’s with uncovered knees seems terribly unattractive to him and causes him to feel anxiety.


The very hard to pronounce phobia is also incredibly difficult to explain one – the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. Similarly to all other phobias, the symptoms of arachibutyrophobia involve panic, anxiety, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat when the peanut butter is wedged on the roof of one’s mouth.


This phobia is often found in young children. People suffering from somniphobia are afraid to fall asleep. Fortunately, with age, most people completely cured of it. But fear of the dark, monsters living in the closet, and other fanciful fantasies can scare the child very much, and he will refuse to go to bed in the evenings.


And what do you say about the fear of crosses and crucifixes? Believe it or not, such a phobia really exists and is called “Staurophobia”. Hostility to religion is natural in people suffering from such a phobia in the subconscious.

Phobophobia is the fear of having a phobia

Unfortunately, people with this condition are fighting a doomed battle: the fear of getting a phobia.

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