10 Most Incredible Discoveries Of All Times

Can you imagine eating raw food everyday? Can you imagine not having electricity at all? I can’t! These discoveries are just a few of the most incredible discoveries of all times. Aside from that, there are also archaeological discoveries, medical innovations, mind-boggling discoveries in physics, and even mysterious phenomena such as the Placebo Effect. These discoveries are the most amazing discoveries because their either helped in saving millions of live, give life to prehistoric artworks and humans, unearth buried towns and culture, and of course, make our lives a little bit better.

10 – Fire

Incredible Discoveries Of All Times fire

We all know how how fire was discovered millions of ages ago, yet it has always been one of the greatest feats of mankind. Can you imagine life without fire, or even eating fresh meat everyday for the rest of your lives? And we have surely come a long way other than rubbing twigs and stones to produce fire. We have continued utilizing it for other purposes, other than for our love of cooking

9 – Penicillin

Incredible Discoveries Of All Times Penicillin

Although the discovery of Penicillin can be attributed to accident or the messy station of Alexander Fleming, it is still one of the most incredible discovery to humans, especially in the medical community. Fleming was known to have a keen eye to detail and small changes in his surrounding. And because of this characteristic, who would have known that a set of mold can serve as a barrier against bacteria, and save millions of lives in the long run.

8 – The Cave of Altamira

Incredible Discoveries Of All Times The Cave of Altamira

In the archaeological community, the discovery of the Cave of Altamira is one of its greatest moments. Because of the his wandering twelve-year-old daughter, Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola, an amateur archeologist, was able to find for the first time, artworks and paintings of historic men, who were then perceived of not being capable to create such. Upon verification, it was found that it was created for about 20 years ago and it helped change the perception to prehistoric human beings.

7 – Placebo Effect

Incredible Discoveries Of All Times Placebo Effect

Incredible and mysterious at the same time, the phenomenon of Placebo Effect has continued to be one of the most intriguing discoveries of all time. Because of this phenomenon, it has served as an alternative health technique – where nothing, except for a belief, can actually improve one’s health and even cure an illness. However, recent investigations conclude that this phenomenon is not purely psychological but, at some point, is also biochemical in nature.

6 – Dark Matter

Incredible Discoveries Of All Times Dark Matter

In the area of Physics, the Dark matter is known to be a mysterious substance that emits no lights and accounts for about 95% of the mass in the universe. That it why, upon calculation and measurement of the total mass of the universe, the amount of the total mass is greater as compared to the total mass that we can actually account for. The thing is: it has not been proved to exist yet, practically because we cannot see it.

5 – Laws of Heredity

Incredible Discoveries Of All Times Laws of Heredity

Laws of Heredity is also one of the most incredible discoveries of all time because it has led to other useful innovations that changed the world. Thanks to Gregor Mendel, we are able to acknowledge the fact that certain traits can be passed down the family line, from parents to children. And this does not only work in humans, but it is also applicable in any living thing such as animals and plants. Hence, we are even able to improve our crops and livestock because of this!

4 – Vaccination

Incredible Discoveries Of All Times Vaccination

If there is one thing that saves millions of lives, it is because of vaccination. It may have sounded weird before when Edward Jenner presented its theory in the medical community, but because of his efforts, it has helped decrease mortality rates ever since it was tried for the first time in 1796. This vaccination has greatly contributed in infant mortality cases.

3 – Pompeii

Incredible Discoveries Of All Times Pompeii

In the 18th century, the Roman towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum were discovered for the first time by a military engineer Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre. These towns were then buried under pumice and volcanic ash and has ceased to exist. Because of these discovery, artworks and even the exact form of Roman people, through the application of plaster casts, were given the first look.

2 – Electricity Generation

Incredible Discoveries Of All Times Electricity Generation

In today’s world almost run by computers and appliances, it is impossible to conceive a world without electricity. But thanks to Michael Faraday, the abstract concepts of electricity flow and electricity generation was given life. He was able to discover a fundamental relation between magnetism and electricity, which eventually led to the invention of the first electric generator by moving a metallic wire around a magnet.

1 – Dinosaur Fossils

Incredible Discoveries Of All Times Dinosaur Fossils

The discovery of dinosaur fossils gains top spot in this list because it has helped us conceive a world before us and acknowledge a race that has been wiped out on earth absolutely. The first scientifically recorded dinosaur fossils came from William Buckland in 1824, who found bones of the Megalosaurus. But many controversies still surround the discovery of dinosaur bones, especially when it comes to conservative religions.

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