10 Most Popular Superstitions

A superstition is a belief in a supernatural casualty, like when something you do or see might bring either good luck or bad luck. Such superstitions are very popular in many countries, each having its own, while some are widely practiced by almost everyone in the world. The origins of these superstitions are very vague, and many of these are not even proved to be true, especially in their consequences; yet, many people believe in the same because of tradition and culture. Some of these include: not walking under the ladder, eating 12 grapes at midnight during New Year’s Eve, carrying rabbit’s foot for good luck, and avoiding passing black cats. Get to know the 10 Most Popular Superstitions in the world!

10 – Do not chew gum at night

Do not chew gum at night

Commonly practiced in Turkey and Hungary, people avoid chewing gum at night because of the stigma that when you do, you are actually grinding on the flesh of the dead. This superstition was also asserted by Harry Oliver in his book about popular superstitions, “Black Cats and Four Leaf Clovers.”

9 – Itching palm means success

Top popular superstitions Itching palm means success

Another famous superstition is an itching palm means that a great deal of money will come at you, but almost every country has a different version of it. While some say that if the right palm itches, you will get the money that is likely to stay for a long time; while others say that if your left palm itches, the money that you will get will not last for long. Also, when either of them itches, you must kiss them and make a circle with your palm over your forehead to bring in the good luck faster.

8 – Eat 12 grapes at midnight for food luck

Eat 12 grapes at midnight for food luck

There are also a lot of superstitions during the holidays, like during New Year’s Eve. During this time, around midnight, you should eat exactly 12 pieces of grapes to bring 12 months of good luck to you and your household. This tradition is usually practiced in Spain and other Latin countries.

7 – Do not open umbrellas indoors

Do not open umbrellas indoors

Another superstition that is believed to bring bad luck is opening umbrellas indoors, especially inside your home. This crazy superstition dates back to the time when an ancient Roman lady opened an umbrella inside her house, just a few seconds before it collapsed! While in Britain, it was believed to originate from a prince who instantly died after accepting umbrellas from a king who recently visited him.

6 – Toss salt over your shoulder to shun evil spirits

salt over your shoulder to shun evil spirits

Salt is not only used to preserve our meats, but they are also used to shoo away bad spirits and bad luck! It is believed that salt has purification and warding characteristics, and used prominently in witchcraft. To protect yourself from bad spirits, you must toss salt over your shoulder to create a magical barrier between you and the spirits.

5 – A rabbit’s foot will bring good luck

A rabbit's foot will bring good luck

During the ages where witchcraft was prevalent, talismans and amulets are very popular to protect oneself from bad omen and keep oneself from the power of dark magic. One of the most popular belief is the carrying of a rabbit’s foot, dating back to the time of the Celtic tribes in Britain and traditions of African-American and Native Americans and Europeans. (see more facts about rabbits)

4 – Walking under the ladder will bring bad luck

Walking under the ladder will bring bad luck

Although superstitions can sometimes be crazy, others can be practical as well, like the superstition that prohibits a person from walking under a ladder! In terms of its superstition beliefs, walking under the ladder will bring danger and bad luck to a person. It originated from the Christian’s belief of the Holy Trinity since a leaning ladder forms a triangle against the wall. Breaking that “triangle” is believed to be bad luck.

3 – Broken mirror means 7 years of bad luck

Popular superstitions 7 years of bad luck broken mirror

Because the mirror is believed to be a beholder, not only of one’s reflection but also of one’s soul, it is believed that breaking a mirror will automatically bring you 7 years of bad luck. This superstition originated from the folklore, and because many people feared its consequences, many people also came up with counter-measures to negate its bad luck, which includes touching a piece of a broken mirror against a gravestone or grinding the mirror pieces into powder.

2 – A passing black cat means bad luck

black cat means bad luck

Many people fear black cats because of the stigma that they cause bad luck and are considered as pets of the witches. So, it is no doubt that when a black cat suddenly passed your way, it will bring you bad luck. Beeing on top most popular superstitions, this belief originated from the times of Dark Ages when the black cats were thought to be helpers of witches and warlocks, while some even believe to the extent that they are evil by themselves.

1 – Friday the 13th

Popular Superstitions Friday the 13th

The most known superstition believed in the whole world is the fear when Friday the 13th is coming because the day itself is cursed and will bring bad luck to people, like accidents, trouble, and anything unlucky. It is so believed to be true that many people avoid such bad luck by staying home or avoiding to do anything meaningful, like celebrations, business meetings, and other social activities. This belief originated from the late 1800s when Friday was generally considered an unlucky day, and the number 13 represents a cursed number.

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