7 – Darwin stole someone else’s idea?
In the 19th century, ideas such as the theory of evolution were regarded as heretical, and the English Church did not approve of them. Darwin knew this and did not advertise his achievements to anyone; he discussed them only with close friends. In 1858, he learned that the British scientist Alfred Russell Wallace, was also developing a similar theory, so Darwin decided not to put off the shelf. In 1859, his first book, The Origin of Species, was published. Against the background of all that is known to modern science, it may seem Darwin was not truly sure of what he had written.
This book was the result of processing a large number of works by contemporaries of the scientist (including Alfred Wallace), which contributed to his work. After that, although he wrote 18 more books, not all members of the scientific community recognized Darwin as a scientist. Some believed that he deliberately dragged on publications for such a long time to gain time for plagiarism. For example, in 1830, Patrick Matt published a book in which he described natural selection; many believe that Darwin’s theory of evolution is developed based on this book. Many considered Darwin to be mediocre and lack education.
6 – Darwinism is based on racism
Darwinism is based on the idea that some organisms are more adapted to life than others. This is what allows some to survive in more severe conditions, while others do not withstand them. It turns out that those who were able to survive “deserve” this since they are biologically superior to other species. Over time, these features are transformed, and the body improves. These more advanced species continue the struggle under the motto “the one who can adapt” survives, this is the natural selection that underlies the theory of evolution.
Darwin did not test his theory in public, but he was sure that the white race was superior to the black one. This ideology spawned eugenics, a social philosophy that promotes the need to improve the human genome through artificial intervention. The goal of genetics is to create smarter and healthier people to conserve natural resources. Opponents of biology are sure that this is unnatural and far from science. In general, Darwinism became the basis of racism, take at least the Second World War and the Nazi obsession with the idea of extermination of Jews.
5 – Will neo-Darwinism save the theory of evolution?
Neo-Darwinism is an attempt by proponents of the theory of evolution to restore the reputation of the scientist they support, and at the same time to adjust their beliefs under the requirements of the time.
The reason for this is simple: they want to continue to explain the origin of life on Earth from a scientific point of view. It turned out that Darwinism was just a matter of embarrassment.
Darwin himself was not only a supporter of discrimination by color but also believed that women are lower than men on the ladder of evolution. On the whole, neo-Darwinism is nothing more than support for adherents of Darwin’s point of view, which will help them repel attacks in the future.
4 – Will the mutation defeat Mendelian genetics?

According to Mendelian genetics, living organisms do not change in any way over time, and genetic mutations are even harmful. Darwinism claims the opposite – genetic mutations are the key to evolution. The founder of genetics as a science, Gregor Mendel, was a contemporary of Charles Darwin. Moreover, he knew well what Darwin had absolutely no idea about — genetics, by the way, followers of Darwin’s teachings tried to stick it into the scientist’s work. That is how neo-Darwinism came about.
In fact, this is the same as saying that a tornado flying into an airplane cemetery can assemble a car that can take off. But this is complete nonsense. Everyone knows that all that a tornado brings is death and destruction, and only intelligence can transform matter into something useful. For example, energy from a wind farm, and in essence, it is close to a tornado, could be supplied by an aircraft factory. But this is an entirely different story.
Most believe that an accidental genetic mutation can help the body survive. Evolution shows that this is possible, but there were a few successful examples. For example, there is evidence that people suffering from sickle cell anemia tolerate malaria more easily and are more likely to survive in the event of illness. In evolution, this is called a “useful mutation,” and this example confirms the theory.
3 – Intelligent design visibility
This concept lacks rationale. Professor Dawkins in The Blind Watchmaker. How evolution proves the lack of design in the universe “:
“Natural selection is like a blind watchmaker, blind because he does not see what will happen next, cannot evaluate the consequences and acts without a goal. Nevertheless, the results of natural selection, which we can observe, make a good impression, as if a professional watchmaker had a hand, “The design and functionality are striking. The purpose is to resolve the paradox in favor of the reader, and the purpose of this chapter is to show the reader that appearance can be deceiving.”
The next time you look at your watch or drive a car, concentrate on intelligent design. In general, this is not a science.
2 – Ineffable difficulty
The term “indistinguishable complexity” has long worried about the minds of scientists around the world. And not just like that. Colossal changes have taken place in molecular biology since the 19th century. And if a hundred years ago, scientists considered the cell a primitive component, today even children know that inside the tiny cell the whole universe. If Darwin knew at least a small part of what we know today, he would revise his theory.
Modern scientists compare the work of a cell with a car engine, because its mechanism is quite complicated and, like a cell, will not work if there are not enough parts in it. This is the explanation of the unified complexity, which in turn provokes the problem of chicken and eggs. For example, did you know what came first: the intestines or the esophagus? No? Not scary, scientists also do not know.
1 – Darwin’s legacy
Initially, Darwinism was a theory of the origin of man, which excluded the intervention of a divine creator, although it was precisely this idea that people around the world believed. Today, in the era of neo-Darwinism, it matters only that the fittest survive, not the most appropriate. A valid theory does not take into account human suffering and responsibility for what has been done, and it turns out that life is just an accident. Darwinism and the resulting racism generated the most terrible human suffering and still manifest in our lives.
In the first version of the Origin of Species, Darwin argued that if a bear spends more time in the water, he will become a whale. Today we know that if a bear spends too much time in the water, he will drown. This phrase was removed from subsequent editions, although in essence, this is evolution, many still wonder how Darwin was confident in his theory.
Yes, it seems the facts cited in this article are contradictory. It is hard to say for sure whether Darwin was a great scientist or found himself in the right place at the right time.