3 Reasons Why Women Are Attracted To The Low Male Voice

The sound of a male voice, including timbre, intonation, and the characteristic color, have an impact and surprising effects on the perception of other people and especially women. Several studies have been conducted, with the help of which scientists tried to find out which particular men’s voices are most pleasant for women and why.

3 – Baritone Voice

Baritone Voice

Professor David Feinberg of the University of California, Los Angeles, USA, commissioned by specialists from a specific advertising company, conducted a study of male voices to determine which timbre most women trust. The professor immediately stated that men with high testosterone often have low voices, and it is this natural aspect that every woman instinctively reads in sound.

However, in reality, it turned out a little differently, and not all women are ready to trust a man with a very low voice. During testing, David Feinberg found that, for example, owners of male bass are indeed perceived by solid and confident people. Still, more than half of the respondents said they did not want their husbands to talk in families in this way. But the low male “velvet” baritone turned out to be the most disposable and confidential voice, which almost all the women who took part in testing Professor Feinberg called desirable.

Most women in the age range of 35 to 45, perceive male tenor and viola as “youth” voices and carry positive and energy within themselves. However, not one of the women surveyed in this category would trust mature people with such a tonal voice color. But when searching for new sexual adventures and short relationships, 40% of women in this category said that they would pay attention to the owners of such “youth” voices.

2 – Low voice

low voice

In 2010, psychologists from Albright College, PA, USA, also conducted a series of studies on the effect of male voices on women. Using numerous examples, they proved that men, to attract the attention of the opposite sex, subconsciously change the timbre of their voice. In particular, it has been noted many times that in the presence of an unfamiliar beautiful lady, lonely gentlemen lower their voices as much as possible to attract her attention.

American psychologists suggest that such tricks are present in people by nature. Males of some species, through a low voice, not only demonstrate their physical strength to rivals but also try to “stake out” a favorable territory for themselves, to attract a female for mating. Therefore, the wildlife world is filled with many voices, and a person intuitively uses only a few tones,

1 – Monotonous male voice

Monotonous male voice

What male voice is most liked by women, researchers also found out at the psychological departments of the University of California and the University of Pennsylvania, USA. To their surprise, most women who participated in the experiments chose the monotonous male voice as the most exciting.

American psychologists have determined that such a voice is perceived as dangerous for men and very sexual for women. It subconsciously feels independence, power, and strength. The owner of such a voice seems to demonstrate that he is in control of the situation. He is courageous and not afraid of dangers, so a similar timbre has a depressing effect on men. Behind calm lies strength and confidence in victory in a potential conflict. Therefore, ladies perceive such a gentleman as an intelligent leader and a reliable defender, with whom you feel like “behind a stone wall.” And this is important for winning the female heart.

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