Nothing can ruin your day quite as much as a sudden bout of diarrhea. You may be suffering from a tummy bug, eaten something that didn’t agree with you, or have come down with a chronic illness. Whatever the case, most will want to maintain some sort of control so they can get through the day.
Medications are available from over the counter help to counteract the symptoms of diarrhea, but these can also block the body’s natural mechanisms for getting rid of toxins. Natural remedies create relief from diarrhea but do not compromise the immune system while doing so.
To help you get on with your day, here are six proven methods for rapid relief from diarrhea:
6 – Rest And Recuperation

Any illness will usually require you to rest so your body can use its resources in fighting the disease. It’s the same with diarrhea.
Getting plenty of rest means your body can use its flagging energy reserves in fighting off the virus, which caused the illness in the first place.
5 – Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine should be avoided during bouts of diarrhea as the caffeine speeds up intestinal contractions, moving the stools along quicker than usual and causing you more discomfort and visits to the bathroom, which could otherwise be avoided.
4 – Sipping Hot Tea

A hot green tea, blackberry tea, or raspberry tea 2 or 3 times a day can help reduce the symptoms of diarrhea.
You might also like to try ginger tea, as this is known to reduce the stomach cramps and pain associated with diarrhea.
3 – Therapeutic Lemon Juice

Drinking the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon between 3 and 5 times a day can help reduce the level of diarrhea-causing pathogens. A preventative measure of 1 or 2 teaspoons of lemon juice before meals is also an excellent method for warding off viruses that cause diarrhea.
Try a mix of ½ teaspoon of ginger juice, ½ teaspoon of lemon juice, and a ¼ teaspoon of powdered pepper twice a day to dry out your stools and provide some relief.
2 – Eat A Banana Or Two

Bananas are natural sponges for soaking up the excess fluids in the intestines, helping to alleviate diarrhea and firming up the stools.
Many experts recommend that you should consume a banana when symptoms first start to appear while continuing with 1 or 2 a day until you are over it.
1 – Small Portions Of Solids And Plenty Of Liquid Food

Stressing your digestive system with normal-sized meals will only exacerbate the conditions. Instead, be gentle on your digestive tract with small portions of solids and lots of liquid foods.
Liquid foods are considered better for you than solids when diarrhea first rears its ugly head. There are no hard and fast rules on what you should eat, but they should be consumed in small portions. Break your meals up, so you are eating smaller amounts with 5 or 6 snack-sized meals a day.
Also, avoid drinking a large glass of water in one sitting. Instead, keep it close by and continuously take small sips every couple of minutes.