8 Simple One Minute Stretches To Bring You Pain Relief And Cure Your Back Pain

Back pain and low back pain is one of the worst problems afflicting millions of people worldwide. Poor posture, wrong sleeping positions and sitting at work for long hours all contribute to back pain.
Medications do not solve the problems they just alleviate the symptoms. Exercise is the best possible means to reduce your suffering. Here are 8 simple stretches to cure back pain and provide you relief.

Knees to chest

This is one stretch that works out the glutes, hip and manages low back pain. Do it at least 3 to 4 times and make it a part of your stretch routine every day. You’ll get relief in a few weeks.

Reclined Hamstring Stretch

While lying on the floor, bring your leg up holding your thigh. Hold the position for 20 seconds and repeat 3 to four times.

Piriformis Stretch

This stretch needs to be held for 20 seconds for maximal results. Repeat again with the other leg. Do 3 to 4 times each leg.

Spinal Stretch

The spinal stretch works best on glutes and relaxes your back. Great for back pain. Hold for 20 seconds and perform with the other leg.

Total Back Stretch

Hold the position for 20 seconds to correct your posture of your lower back which should be straight. Repeat 3 to 4 times.

Hip Flexor Stretch

The hip flexor stretch raises up your thighs and stretch your hips. This position is similar to the lunge position which stretches the hip flexor muscles and gives you hip flexibility. Hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat again.

Quadricep Stretch

Perform this stretch when lying on the floor. It works on the front of the thighs. Quad stretches improves circulation and reduces stress.

Side Stretches

Side stretches workout your entire back and provides alot of relief from back pain. Perform at least 5 to 7 reps on each side. Perform these stretches to cure back pain and feel the difference in a few weeks.

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