11 Best Drinks That Can Slow Down Aging and Keep You Healthy

The fountain of youth remains undiscovered, but science is taking giant leaps towards understanding how we age, and how to do it graciously.

11 Best Drinks That Can Slow Down Aging and Keep You Healthy

There’s no miracle medicine for aging, but it’s no secret that staying healthy is the best way to have long lives, and achieving it depends on what you do, eat and drink every day.

#11 – Water, Essential to Life

Water filters really do work

Let’s start with the basics. Drinking water is the most important habit to adopt for a healthy, long life. Although different sources tell us we should have a certain number of glasses a day, the truth is that it depends on your body and metabolism.

Drink water every day. Every time you’re thirsty, watching TV or working on your computer. Your body can only function properly if it’s hydrated.

#10 – Tea, Ancestral Medicine

hot beverages, how water for tea

People have used tea, the infusion of Camellia Synesis leaves, as a natural medicine for centuries, and it’s because the plant has essential compounds that keep your body healthy.

Caffeine keeps your blood flowing and activates your neural system. What’s more, the vast number of antioxidants in tea protect your circulatory system, strengthening your arteries and your heart while keeping free radicals at bay.

While green tea has the most antioxidants, any other tea is healthy too.

#9 – Coffee, Our Inseparable Morning Brew

Coffee can be Helpful

Coffee is part of our morning routines, and that’s a good thing because caffeine doesn’t only keep you awake, but it can also improve brain functions like memory. Caffeine speeds up your metabolism, which can help you burn fat faster, resulting in a healthier, longer life.

#8 – Wine, Age with Class

Unfinished wine pouring red wine

Wine, in moderation, can help you live longer because of its high concentration of anthocyanins and tannins, excellent antioxidants that help you maintain a healthy circulatory system. Red wine is far healthier than white and rosé, so add a glass of red to dinner and reap the benefits.

#7 – Pomegranate Juice, Refreshing and Healthy

Pomegranate seeds

Pomegranate seeds, the small bright-red, pearly beads are full of vitamin C, essential minerals and antioxidants in the form of punicalagin. It’s these compounds that give the fruit its color, so blueberries, blackberries, and every other red or blackberry have similar properties.

Bioactive compounds in pomegranates are potent anti-inflammatory compounds that will keep you healthier for many years.

#6 – Soymilk, More Nutritious Than You Think


After real cow’s milk, soymilk has the most nutrients and is an excellent source for plant-based proteins. Soymilk can control your blood pressure, and it reduces cholesterol in your bloodstream. It might also help prevent cancer, so it’s a great addition to your diet.

#5 – Beet Juice, Colorful Health Benefits

Beetroot Juice

The deep purple color in beets is caused by pigments and nitrates, a natural compound that dilates your arteries, reducing blood pressure. High in minerals and vitamins, and low in calories, beets are extraordinary ingredients for any weight-loss program. Clean arteries equal long lives.

#4 – Kombucha, Fermented Refreshing Tea

Kombucha, Fermented Refreshing Tea

Kombucha is a fermented tea, and, like tea, it’s filled with antioxidants that keep your arteries healthy. Kombucha has an added benefit: it has lots of probiotics that help keep your digestive system healthy and help you absorb nutrients from what you eat.

#3 – Hot Chocolate, Because We All Love It

Hot Chocolate

Chocolate, in its purest form, is a fantastic source of antioxidants. It has many essential minerals, like magnesium, copper, and manganese. Chocolate has relaxing properties since it stimulates the loosening of arteries and promotes the production of the happiness hormone called serotonin. Brighten your life with a mug of warm cocoa once in a while and live happier.

#2 – Coconut Water, Like Water but Healthier


Although mostly water, coconut water is a good source of minerals, including potassium, sodium, and calcium, which act as electrolytes, making coconut water better at hydrating than water. Coconut water can also prevent the formation of kidney stones.

#1 – Milk, The Healthiest Alternative


In moderation, milk is the most nutritious drink on earth. A glass of milk has lots of calcium, proteins, and necessary fat that keep you well-nourished and strong. Milk helps you build and maintain muscles, reducing the natural decay that comes with age.

Drink some of these healthy alternatives, remember to eat healthily and to stay active — This is the recipe for long, fulfilling life.

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