Beware of Brushing Teeth Too Long or Too Vigorously

Beware of Brushing Teeth Too Long or Too Vigorously

You know that you need to brush your teeth twice a day, first thing in the morning, and the last thing before going to bed at night. You need to do it to brush away bacteria which can cause cavities, as well as other germs that can be detrimental to your oral health. You also know that if you don’t brush your teeth, no one will want to be around you because of having halitosis. Therefore, since you brush your teeth a minimum of twice a day, then you are fulfilling your oral health obligation. But, are you brushing your teeth the correct way? Chances are you are not and let’s now look at the eight mistakes you make when you brush your teeth.

You Don’t Brush For That Long

The ideal time to brush your teeth is two minutes on each side, and there is a good chance you are maybe spending 30 seconds brushing your teeth. That is not enough time to remove the germs, bacteria, and other food particles on your teeth. Since you are not spending enough time brushing your teeth, your likelihood to develop gum disease and tooth decay becomes higher.

You Don’t Watch How You Brush Your Teeth

You may be brushing one area of your teeth repeatedly and you are missing the other teeth where you are brushing some of your teeth too much – and not getting your other teeth at all. Therefore, the time spent brushing your teeth is wasted. You are very likely to end up with dental problems since you are not brushing all of your teeth properly.

You Are Using The Wrong Technique

You are not brushing properly by brushing sideways or just up and down. You need to brush your teeth in a circular motion, as well as side to side, and then up and down. That way, you are able to clean your teeth from different angles. Ensure that you brush away from the gum line so you can remove any bacteria and plaque.

You Brush Too Hard

If you brush your teeth too hard, then you will end up ruining your enamel which not only causes sensitivity in your teeth but can open up your chances of getting more cavities which is not what you want to do. Therefore, when you do brush your teeth, be more gentle with it.

You Don’t Use The Right Brush

If you have implants and crowns, then you need to use the correct brush for that. If you use a typical toothbrush for implants and crowns, then you are going to damage them and increase your chances of developing different oral health problems. The best thing to do is to ask your dentist which toothbrush to use, and also use the one they give you or recommend.

The Type Of Toothpaste May Be The Issue

If you have sensitive teeth, then you need a toothpaste that is geared towards sensitive teeth, If you are using the toothpaste that does not make your mouth feel good after, then you are likely using the wrong toothpaste. Ask your dentist the best type of toothpaste to use given your oral health situation.

You Are Not Flossing Properly Or At All

If you are not flossing at all, then you are surely going to end up with cavities or gum disease because brushing alone will not remove plaque and bacteria. You need to remove bacteria and plaque stuck between your teeth. Or, if you are flossing too hard to the point that your gums bleed, then you need to change your approach and ask your dentist the best way to floss so you don’t damage your gums.

You Rinse Right After Brushing

If you rinse your mouth after brushing, then you are allowing the protective properties from the toothpaste to disappear, which means your teeth are not protected at all. The best thing to do is to spit the toothpaste out after you brush your teeth so you don’t lose the protective barrier that the toothpaste provides.

Now that you see the mistakes you make after brushing your teeth, you now see there is room for improvement with it. Keep your mouth and teeth healthy!

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