If you have ever been to China, there are plenty of strange things that you have seen but chances are you have not seen all of what is really there. You already know that they eat unimaginably strange foods as it is. Their culture as a whole is like night and day from western culture.
However, that is not the only thing about China that is bizarre. Let’s go over 14 bizarre things that you only would see in China (and let’s not think about the virus right now).
Walmart Selling Crocodiles And Sharks
Even if you were to go to a Walmart in China, it would not be the same type of experience as going to Walmart anywhere else. That is because you will see reptiles such as crocodiles and sharks for sale with their mouths wide open as well. They are sold as meals so if you want to buy one of those then bon appetit!
Police Geese
Most countries have police dogs but not in China. They have police geese instead. Why geese? They firstly have amazing vision and secondly, they are quite aggressive and can frighten any criminal into submission. You won’t find too many places that have police geese.
Live Crabs That Are Sold in Vending Machines

If you go to a vending machine the first thing you expect to buy is a bag of chips, pop, juice, water, or a candy bar. However, in China, you will end up being offered something else which is definitely bizarre and that is live crabs! There you go, if you want crab for dinner or lunch, you can get it from a vending machine kept at five degrees and you will have to kill it yourself.
Stand-Ins For Traffic Jams

Are you stuck in a traffic jam? Then you can call a service that will send two individuals that can deal with your car, which will be handled by one person. The other person coming in will take you to your destination on a motorbike.
Teabucks really is a ripoff of Starbucks and they offer various foods and drinks that are hot and cold. So you won’t see Starbucks in China, but there are definitely Teabucks that you can get a coffee or Bubble tea from.
Nets Around Buildings
Anyone can commit suicide by jumping off of the balconies of buildings. In China, you will see nets around the balconies surrounding the buildings. That is because any stressed employee can have the urge to jump out of buildings and this is a protective measure so they can be saved.
Ghost Marriages
Marrying a corpse is a dream that any necrophile has, but in China, ghost marriages happen for a very different reason. Corpses are stolen and sold for thousands of dollars to families that want to plan marriages for their unmarried young relatives that are dead.
Canned Air
China is full of smog, and the only remedy to that is selling air in cans. And there are a variety of flavors of air sold in cans as well. Therefore, if you want to try out canned air, if you do want to go to China (well past the pandemic anyway), check it out there.
Cockroach Farms
Cockroaches are feared in most places but not in China. In fact, there is such a thing as cockroach farming because they are used in a variety of medicines. Cockroaches are purposely bred there as this is a lucrative investment as well.
Ghost Cities

There are plenty of ghost cities in China and that is because the country has fast-paced housing and there are malls emerging everywhere as well. Think about it how cities can be easily left behind given this fact, and it is not a surprise that China has plenty of ghost cities.
Residents Won’t Leave Their Homes For Construction
If a highway is being built or a new development is coming into place, neighborhoods have to be destroyed if they are in the way for the new plans. However, in China, there are what you call nail houses, which are those houses that residents refuse to leave even if construction has to be take place there. This means their houses are the only ones left even if the other houses in the neighborhood are demolished.
Wearing Pajamas In Public
Residents in China won’t change into their day clothing if they want to wander outside or even go for a bike ride. They will wear their pajamas anywhere they wish except for if they go to work.
Women Armies
There are armies in China made up of only attractive women wearing seductive uniforms. This is every man’s dream to be present around them.
You’ll Find One Of The Oldest Stone Forests
In China, you will find a 270 million-year-old stone forest site in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. That would be something to see!
Now you can probably agree that China is one of the most bizarre places in the world! If not, it may be THE most bizarre place around.