Can Your Walking Speed Really Be An Indicator Of Dementia?

Can Your Walking Speed Really Be An Indicator Of Dementia?

You may not put a lot of thought into how fast or slowly you walk. If you are a slow walker and you are at a shopping mall or a grocery store, there may be people around you who become exasperated because they want to get around a slow walker – which is you. Or, if you happen to be a faster walker, you may be feeling that frustration when it comes to others not moving quickly enough for you. However, there are certain things regarding the speed of your walking that you need to know. Researchers have found that your walking speed could be indicative of something significant that you will want to pay attention to because if you are a slow walker, you will be impacted.

Your Walking Speed Can Indicate Dementia

Studies have found that if you are a slow walker, then you are very highly likely to end up with dementia. Researchers say that a dual decline in cognition, as well as gait speed, indicates a much higher risk of dementia. If it is a gait decline only or a cognitive decline only, there is still a risk of dementia, but it is not as high as both being in the picture.

In fact, the studies showed that those who were at the highest risk of dementia had slower gait speeds in addition to declining cognitive function. Therefore, if you are a slow walker, and your memory and cognitive function slowly decline over time, then you are at high risk. Therefore, for anyone who shows both problems, that is the best condition of clinical measures to find those who are at the highest risk of dementia.

Currently, There Is A Lot Of Pathology In The Brain By The Time A Dementia Diagnosis Is Made

Nowadays, when there is a diagnosis of dementia, there are a lot of pathologies built up in the brain and it is too late. Even though there is no cure for dementia, early detection can help prolong the worst outcome. Therefore, if learning to identify the early signs of dementia helps to improve the outcome of the patient, then it is always best to find early markers. And since researchers found that slow walkers in a combination with cognitive decline show the highest risk patients for dementia, then early detection can happen. Therefore, the condition can be prolonged.

How Can Dementia Be Prolonged?

There are several ways to prolong dementia. Firstly, one of the most common methods of doing so is by doing brain games. Doing crossword puzzles, word searches, reading, and learning something new are ways that one can exercise the brain. And it should be done daily to help strengthen the brain so that dementia is prolonged. Physical exercise is also essential and that is something that those who are at high risk for dementia need to do. Everyone needs exercise but it is essential that those who are at high risk for any ailment, including dementia, stay active.

Diet is also essential as taking Omega 3 fatty acid supplements is important. Those important fatty acids help keep the brain strong, and vitamins and minerals are essential from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein from eggs, dairy, meat, and fish. It is also best to limit sugar and trans fat so limiting junk food and fast food is also important to do.

The best thing you can do is learn that you are at high risk for dementia early on so you can help prolong the condition. That way, you can be able to live the best quality of life as much as you can.

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