Cancer is quite prevalent modern-day disease. While some cancers are treatable, most of them can be life-threatening. The increasing cases of cancers are frequently attributed to the modern lifestyle.

Nowadays, many carcinogen products are being used in diet as well. It is important to be aware of different products that can lead to this deadly disease and avoid them. Let’s have a look into what drinks can be associated with cancer.
Diet Beverages are Not Healthy
The trend of replacing normal beverages with diet sodas and other drinks is increasing. It is fairly common among diet conscious and diabetic people. However, little do they know that these drinks can be harmful to their health. Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin, can cause cancer.
Drinks Containing Refined Sugars are also Unhealthy
Refined sugar is processed and treated with various chemicals. This is why it can be associated with cancers. It is a wise idea to drop these drinks and replace them with homemade beverages containing brown sugar or honey that are nutritious, healthy, and safe.
Beverages with Preservatives should be Avoided
It is always good to choose fresh juices over any kind of packed juices and drinks. They contain different types of preservatives that are not good for your body and can even lead to cancers. Take freshly squeezed fruit juices and enjoy a healthful life!
Cut Down on Alcohol!
Alcohol metabolism produces a chemical compound known as acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde can cause DNA damage that can further lead to cancer. So, cut down your alcohol intake to ensure a cancer-free life.
Do Not Drink Your Tea Very Hot
Some people tend to drink hot beverages really hot. This is not a healthy practice and can cause cancer. They are especially associated with esophageal cancer because high temperatures can damage the cells of the esophagus. Wait for a while before you drink your hot drinks.
Drinks That have Artificial Flavors are a Big No
Most of the bottled drinks that we come across in the market contain artificial flavors rather than real fruits or other ingredients. People consume them in large quantities to quench thirst or with their meals. This is a totally unhealthy practice. Artificial flavors can lead to cancer. Always choose natural ingredients.
Avoid Bottled Water
Bottled water contains bisphenol-A or BPA, a chemical that is thought to cause cancer. Freshwater is always a healthier choice. BPA increases the risk of cancer and can also disrupt your hormonal balance leading to infertility.
Coffee might be Associated with Cancer
Research is going on to find out a definite link between coffee and cancer. Although there is no confirmed news yet, there is still some evidence. When coffee beans are roasted, they release a chemical called acrylamide. Acrylamide has some association with cancer. So, it is advisable to limit your coffee intake.
Carbonated Drinks can Indirectly Increase Cancer Risk
Carbonation increases the acidity of a drink. When artificial flavors are added, acidity can further increase. This can lead to acid reflux and increased stomach acidity. Both these conditions, when lasting for a long time, can cause cancer. It is better to avoid sodas.
Make Sure You Consume Clean Water
Dirty tap water contains several types of chemicals that can increase your risk of cancer. Not only cancer, but dirty drinking water is also associated with many infections as well. Ensure that your tap water is fit for human consumption before you utilize it. You can get it tested from a laboratory.
Cancer is a physically and emotionally distressing disease, which is a leading cause of death in present times. Prevention is always better than cure. Watch what you drink; you might be inviting cancer!