If you have been hearing voices of your late grandmother, or late boss who suddenly died of a heart attack a year ago, or your late neighbor who died of a stroke recently, you may be thinking that there is something “wrong” with you. Especially if you have been known to hear voices of the dead since you were a child, but you were afraid to say anything about it because you feared that others would think you are crazy. Scientists have been studying the traits of someone who is most likely the type to hear the voices of the dead, and there have been some fascinating findings.
What Have Scientists Found In People Who Hear Voices Of The Dead?
Researchers have discovered that those who have clairaudient traits, which means you can hear voices of the dead and spirits, have had unusual auditory experiences in childhood. Those who have had these unusual skills of hearing voices beyond the veil are extremely susceptible to auditory hallucinations. And those who have this trait are not usually schizophrenic. However, the more research conducted on this phenomenon, the easier it will be for scientists to find more links to auditory hallucinations and mental illnesses such as schizophrenia where auditory hallucinations happen more often.
Those who have this unique skill who do not have mental illnesses that are associated with auditory hallucinations can also have clairvoyant abilities such as seeing things beyond the veil, or in the absence of any external stimulus. That usually happens when it comes to seeing or hearing the spirits of the dead.
The one thing as well that scientists are looking into is why some people who hear these auditory hallucinations welcome it and say it is a spiritual experience whereas others find it distressing when they experience it. Psychologists find that those who find this phenomenon to be a spiritual experience have had positive experiences regarding hearing things when they were younger. And those who find it distressing have had frightening or negative experiences. Perhaps those who had negative experiences that were not frightening but experienced being mocked when they were open about it as well. Therefore, those who had these negative experiences were ashamed to talk about their unusual skills.
What Is The Difference Between Clairaudient Mediums And Auditory Hallucinations Due To Mental Health Disorders?
There is one significant difference between those who have that clairaudient skill and those who have mental health disorders that involve auditory hallucinations. They are those who have the skill are able to control the phenomenon whereas those who have mental illnesses such as schizophrenia cannot. And those who have the skill not only can control it but find it to be helpful, and those who have mental illnesses such as schizophrenia find it very distressing. Additionally, those who have those mental illnesses such as schizophrenia struggle with other delusions such as the paranoia that others are out to get them. Those who are clairaudient do not. That does not mean they don’t have any mental illnesses, but they do not have the mental illnesses that cause them to hear things such as schizophrenia.
Therefore, there are a lot more studies that need conducting to understand the phenomenon better. There is an area of the brain where those who have this skill can access it to hear things beyond the veil. Those who have mental illnesses like schizophrenia also tap into that same area but the illness causes it to get out of control. Therefore, there is a tie of some sort, and over time, there will be more information on it. However, it still remains a mystery for the time being.