Do You Know What You Are Doing To Your Health By Consuming Soft Drinks?

You must be a die-hard fan of cold drinks. We all are. But do you know how dangerous is for your health? If not, then you will learn now by getting an idea about the constituents of the soft drinks.


One of the reasons to avoid soft drinks is that it contains plenty of sugar. Even a single can of soda has the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar which is indeed too much. This intake of sugar, especially in the liquids, increases the insulin reaction in the body and catapult the blood sugar.

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This can lead to insulin resistance or diabetes too in the long run along with increasing your weight and giving you a gift of other health problems. That’s the reason why the soft drink companies are the biggest user of sugar in the world. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid consuming soft drinks as much as you can because they have very detrimental effects on your health. And don’t forget health is wealth.

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Another reason due to which you should avoid soda is because it contains phosphoric acid. When phosphoric acid intervenes with the ability of your body to absorb calcium. When your body is not able to absorb calcium, you’ll become a victim of diseases like bone softening, osteoporosis, and cavities. These diseases make your bones soft and fragile. You are not even able to walk properly. Your bones become so weak that it becomes challenging for you to do your other tasks properly.

Another reason phosphoric acid is not healthy for your body is that slows down the process of digestion in your body by interacting with your stomach acid. It also blocks the absorption of nutrients. All these factors are cause you a lot of pain. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid soft drinks as much as you can. They are not healthy for your body.


Consuming Soft Drinks
Do You Know What You Are Doing To Your Health By Consuming Soft Drinks?

Diet soda contains artificial sweeteners instead of sugar, which, at extremely high intakes may be harmful, according to studies in animals. Did you know that all diet sodas use aspartame instead of sugar? This artificial non-saccharide sweetener, aspartame, is 200 times sweeter than sucrose, and it’s linked to plenty of health problems, including brain tumors, emotional disorders, diabetes, seizures, and multiple sclerosis.

It’s damaging to your teeth

Drinking soda frequently can cause dental plaque, a sticky, colorless film that forms on the surface of the teeth, which can lead to cavities and gum disease. Also, when natural bacteria in your mouth feed on sugar from the soda, it forms acid. Acid can lead to cavities and tooth decay.

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They can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s

Yes, the fizzy drinks could be linked with Alzheimer’s

Scientists in America found that mice fed the equivalent of five cans of sugary drinks a day had worse memories and twice the amount of brain deposits associated with the disease than mice without added sugar in their diet. This suggests that .

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