Don’t Believe These 8 Myths About Frozen Food

Don't Believe These 8 Myths About Frozen Food

The counter is a good place to thaw food? Is it possible to freeze packaged food straight from the package? You should stop believing these frozen food myths. Frozen food myths shouldn’t fool you. In the freezer aisle, you’ll find a wide variety of delicious and nutritious frozen foods. Nutritionists also need some of these essentials. These myths must be dispelled if you want to save food and choose frozen foods more often.

Fresh Fruits And Vegetables Are Healthier Than Frozen Ones

Frozen produce is even healthier than fresh fruits and vegetables for lazy chefs. Dietitian nutritionist Jenna Braddock, the founder of, says those fruits are often picked at the peak of ripeness and flash-frozen within six to ten hours. This freezing locks in the nutrition, so it won’t degrade until you use it. Fresh vegetables out of season may have fewer nutrients than frozen produce. Some frozen fruits and vegetables contain sugar or salt, so check the ingredients list.

Food That Has Been Frozen Expires lists guidelines for freezing food-for example, two to six months for leftover cooked meat-but that’s just for quality, not safety. Dietitian nutritionist Caroline Passerrello of the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says frozen food remains safe indefinitely. Rather than buying frozen foods, avoid them altogether.

It Is Unsafe To Refreeze Food

You can decide whether it’s safe to re-freeze food after it’s been thawed based on how you handled it after it’s been thawed. The meat should be safe to put back in the freezer as long as you thawed it safely in the fridge and not on the counter, Passerrello says. Cold means it hasn’t been in the “danger zone” between 40°F and 140°F for more than two hours, where bacteria can thrive. The second time it’s frozen, you might not like it as much. It could be put back [in the freezer], but Passerrello says the quality would be weakened.

The Sodium Content Of Frozen Food Is High

Consumers are encouraging manufacturers to reduce the sodium content in their products. Check the label to see how little salt is present. There are also no-added-salt options available. In Braddock’s opinion, any sodium on the nutrition label will come from the food itself unless sodium or salt is listed in the ingredient list. Check out these 13 surprising sodium-containing foods.

Milk And Eggs Cannot Be Frozen

Nothing can’t be frozen safely-it just depends on the quality. Milk and cheese, for example, may have a slightly different texture, but they are still perfectly safe. For a disposable (and drinkable) ice pack, Passerrello recommends freezing single-sized cartons of milk and putting them in your child’s lunchbox. Do you know about another surprising freezer item? They are the whites of eggs. Passerrello says the yolks last longer than the whites. When you’re not ready to use the whites, simply pour the yolks into a freezer-safe container if you need half a dozen yolks.

Countertop Thawing Is Safe

Passerrello says the biggest culprit of unsafe thawing is letting food warm up on the counter. The “danger zone” is where bacteria grow when food is left at room temperature for long periods of time. You will want to thaw your food in the fridge instead.

It Is Safe To Thaw Frozen Food With Hot Water

When it comes to thawing food in water, the temperature is key. Running hot water over frozen food (in leak-proof packaging) could be dangerous. According to Braddock, parts of your item may be frozen while other parts may be hot and even beginning to cook. According to the USDA, it is recommended to use cold water and to change the water every half hour.

Freezing Packaged Food Is Best To Do It Right Away

There’s no guarantee that those chicken breasts are freezer-ready just because they’re already wrapped up. Airflow in meat wrappers allows bacteria to get in, deteriorating the quality in the freezer, says Passerrello. Before freezing the food, rewrap it as much as possible, pushing out as much air as you can. Her recommendation for freezing vegetables is to blanch them first. According to Passerrello, the boiling water will prevent an enzyme reaction from breaking down and making the food soggy in the freezer.

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