11 Effective Ways To Finally Get Rid Of Your Body Odor

Smelling bad, especially in public, when you overhear anyone comment on how much you smell, is a quite embarrassing experience. Yeah, that is pretty embarrassing.

11 Natural Ways to Help Your Body Get Rid Of Unpleasant Odors Faster

Some of us are cursed with overactive sweat glands and hyperhydration which makes us sweat like a tap left on and needless to say it’s not pretty. Plus food items like cabbage, coffee even tomatoes make our sweat really stink! 

If you have tried to get rid of body odor but you are not successful with it, perhaps you are not using the right techniques to do it.  You could be using the wrong deodorants on your armpits. Let’s go over 11 natural ways to help your body get rid of unpleasant odors.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has natural antimicrobial properties. Therefore, it can kill off bacteria and the bacteria is the culprit for body odor. If you infuse a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar to dab under your armpit, then you will naturally kill off odors. It will keep bad bacteria at bay and neutralize the microbial environment. Do this twice a day, as you can do it once in the morning and another time at night.

Lemon Juice And Water

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is very acidic and it will neutralize the pH of your body, and if you mix lemon juice with water, this will create a powerful odor-eating mixture. Dab it under your armpit once a day, and then you will be free of odors as it will kill them off. However, if you have sensitive skin be mindful of how much lemon juice you add as it is very acidic. And do not apply this mixture if you shave or have any cuts.

Diet Changes May Be In Order

Red meat, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts), and fish can be smelly culprits. There are important nutrients in these foods. However, they contain components that will make your sweat smell for up to six hours. If you are finding that your B.O. worsens when you eat these foods, then you will want to experiment and cut back or take choline supplements if you are still finding you smell after eating these foods at all.

Witch Hazel After Showering

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel is an astringent that is natural as it helps reduce sweat production. You will want to use it after showering or bathing which will get rid of body odor. After you are done with showering, take a cotton ball and infuse it with witch hazel, and then rub your armpits with it. It is easy as that.

Coconut oil

Coconut Oil

The antimicrobial properties in coconut oil restrict the bacterial growth in our skin pores. The lauric acid in its composition deals with the pungent odor of sweat that some people have. It has an inherent pleasant aroma and can be incorporated in our diets as well. Just rub the oil at least once or twice every day after a shower and see the difference.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds

Seeds of this plant are a strong antioxidant which eliminates toxins from the body as well as prevents any sort of skin infections which might cause bad odor. Well, how to go about it? It’s really simple, as all you need to do is to add 1tsp of fenugreek seeds in boiling water and let it brew for a while. This brew can be drunk by adding it to your hot cup of tea.


Wheatgrass Brew

The juice of wheatgrass contains a large amount of protein, vitamin C, B12, B6, and Folic acid. Plus wheatgrass has a very strong antioxidant property when fighting body odor. Eat 40 grams fresh wheatgrass a day or 3 grams of powder daily and see the difference.


facts about mint

Since mint has a very soothing nature it reduces the impulses which are sent to our sweat glands which automatically reduce the odors from our bodies. Mint can be consumed fresh in our food or dried as a powder or even as an essential oil both inside and outside the body. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and covers our body in a soothing pleasant scent.



Parsley has a high content of chlorophyll and its fresh aroma gives a refreshing after effect. This herb cleanses the body and helps control the growth of germs and bacteria. That makes our body smell divine. In fact, research has shown that parsley can strongly fight sulfur compounds responsible for body odor. You can use parsley in your salads and dishes or stew the stems and leaves in order to get rid of body odor.

Wear Natural Deodorant

The deodorant you use can have an impact on your health, especially if it is not natural. Deodorants are known to contain aluminum, parabens, and phthalates which are harmful chemicals that can harm you as well as the environment. If you can make a homemade deodorant made of natural oils such as tea tree oil, then that would be best.

However, if you can get natural deodorants that are not made with harmful chemicals, then you can use those as well to get rid of odors without harming your body. Probiotic deodorants are also recommended as it helps promote good bacteria which will help neutralize the microbial environment.

Sage Tea Can Help

Sage Tea Can Help

If you drink sage tea, it can help reduce sweat and smells as well because it contains tannins. In fact, it is a calming drink and sweat can be promoted by nervousness and anxiety.

Therefore, there is no reason you should be embarrassed due to B.O. But if you try these remedies and you still are struggling with odors, then you will need to see your doctor as you could have a condition that will need medical treatment.

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