Facts About Left-Handed People

Left-handed people sometimes have a lot of prejudice towards them due to cultural beliefs or superstition about using the left hand. For a long time, left-handed writing was frowned upon. If children were writing left-handed, they were forced to write right-handed due to cultural taboos or mere superstition about writing left handed. If you are looking for more information on this subject, take a look at the exciting facts listed below.

Facts About Left-Handed People

Nicknames for left-handed people

The saying goes that “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” may not be totally apt. Sometimes it is not understood some of the names that left-handed people get called. While some of these may be funny, most are not. Cow Pawed, Scrammy Handed, southpaw, cack-handed, squiffy, left-plug and others have been rained on people that do not write right handed. People that are left-handed go through a lot of teasing and abuse at times.

Famous left-handed people

Many famous people are identified as being left-handed such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Ringo Starr, Isaac Newton, Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton, Charlie Chaplin, Robert Redford, Tom Cruise, and others are great examples of left-handed people being successful in their chosen fields.

Infamous left-handed people

Some well-known perpetrators of crimes were left handed like Jack the Ripper, The Boston Strangler and Osama Bin Laden.

Taboos against left-handed people

When it comes to doing things left-handed, there are plenty of places that doing things with the left hand is taboo. In India, Tibet, and Nepal, it is considered to be forbidden to eat, shake hands, wave, or point with the left hand. This is because of two things. One is a religious taboo; the other is a cultural taboo. The left hand is the hand of pollution and to use it in doing these things is considered to be unclean.

The brain of a left-handed person

It has been said that left-handed people are the only ones in their right mind. If you are left-handed, your right brain is the most active side. Thinking outside the box is easy to do.

More Fun Facts About Left-Handed People

  • Lefties are outstanding artists and mostly follow creative careers.
  • At least four of the most popular Presidents of the United States were left-handed.
  • International Left Hander’s Day is celebrated on August 13th.
  • According to tradition, an itchy left hand indicates you will lose money. An itchy right-hand means you will receive money.
  • Left-handed people, get embarrassed and angry faster than others at the slightest trigger.
  • The Bible mentions the right hand almost 100 times positively and the left hand only about 25 times and all of it negatively.

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