10 Foods to Add to Your Diet to Prevent Wrinkles and Make Skin Look Younger…

No matter what you try to do, wrinkles will appear on your face. It is an inevitable part of the aging process. As you age, your skin gets thinner and loses its elasticity – resulting in it being prone to damages.

10 Foods to Add to Your Diet to Prevent Wrinkles and Make Skin Look Younger

Especially if you are a heavy smoker, or if you spend a lot of time in the sun, your skin may begin to show signs of wrinkling if you do not care for it well enough.

In this article, you’ll find ten healthy foods you can eat that will help prevent your skin from wrinkling…



One of the best anti-wrinkle foods that you can eat is asparagus. It is a very delicious vegetable that many people enjoy.


Do you like spinach? If you do, then you will be happy to know that it contains large quantities of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, and beta carotene, all of which are incredibly beneficial for your skin.



By eating celery every day, you will have fewer wrinkles in comparison to those that do not. One reason is that it contains vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta carotene (similar to spinach).


Lycopene is a chemical that is found in tomatoes, which has been shown to reduce redness as well as skin cell damage.

As long as you eat 3 to 4 servings of tomatoes a week, you will be able to achieve the maximum benefits possible.


kale leafy vegetable

For healthy skin, it is recommended that you have at least 2 cups of kale per day to benefit the most from this leafy vegetable.

Kale contains high amounts of lutein, iron, Vitamin A, and many other antioxidants that can help keep your skin looking its best.

Sweet Potatoes

Many people enjoy eating sweet potatoes, a vegetable you should add to your diet because of how it can help you with wrinkles.

It has beta carotene, and also ample amounts of vitamin C; Not only that, but sweet potatoes also has many antioxidant properties that can only be beneficial for your skin when taken regularly.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

One of the best sources for fat-soluble vitamin E, sunflower seeds can help prevent free radical damage to all of your skin cells.

They are very crunchy, and to eat them, simply add them to your daily salad or eat them out of a bag as many people do.


Health Benefits of Apples and Nutrition Facts

The old saying “an apple that day keeps the doctor away” can also be stated as “an apple a day keeps the wrinkles away”. Apples have vitamin C, as well as quercetin, an antioxidant that can help your skin dramatically shine.

In fact, quercetin is molecularly structured in such a way that it can help diminish free radicals, which can lead to extensive wrinkling on your face and body. Eat apples!



To boost collagen production in your face, which can reduce the signs of aging, you need to eat blueberries, which also have vitamin C.

Every morning, just put some on your breakfast cereal or bring them with you as a healthy snack to eat throughout the day.



One of the most nutrient-rich fish, salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, a natural lubricant for your skin that you will undoubtedly appreciate.

Having salmon 2 to 3 times per week can help keep your skin smooth, well-nourished, all from 3-ounce servings, which are very easy to cook.

By eating natural foods regularly, you can get substantial benefits for your body, as well as your face.

Even if you don’t like to eat kale or spinach, you can still try sweet potatoes, apples, and try some salmon for dinner every other night.

By eating just a few of these ten healthy foods, you can prevent wrinkles from appearing, and at the same time, help make your skin look better than ever!

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