Fun & Interesting Facts About Kissing

A kiss is often relied upon many couples to initiate sex. The more hot kissing, the soaring passion, the more heat that will last struggle bed. Kissing is certainly very pleasant, when we feel so one with the couple as he felt the blast of breath and heart palpitations. Merging of the lips and tongue which we consider to linkage alone, it has many benefits. Here are some fun & interesting facts you might not know about that peck from your lips.

Interesting Facts About Kissing:

  • Lips have many sensitive nerve – Classified as sensitive fingertips, but no longer part of the body are more sensitive, ie lips. In fact, her lips a hundred times more sensitive than your fingertips.
  • Make the facial muscles still tight – French kiss involves all the muscles in the face, ie, as much as 34 muscles. So, kissing, particularly French kiss makes the facial muscles still tight. While kissing involves two quite ordinary lip muscles.
  • Kissing is good for teeth – It feels weird sounds, is not it? Apparently not, because during kissing, discharge of saliva in the mouth will grow. As a result, the plaque your teeth and bathed with saliva whose benefits are clear.
  • Kissing encourages adrenaline – Do you want to have the adrenaline rush? The trick, kiss your spouse! It has been said that the smell will release the neurotransmitter in the brain, the neurotransmitter that is the same when we run, bungee jumping or paragliding.
  • Makes the body relax naturally – Scientific reports say that kissing increases levels of oxytocin, a hormone that relaxes the body, and also increases endorphins, hormones that give pleasure. Exchange of saliva were also reported to increase dopamine, a hormone that gives a romantic feeling.
  • Burn calories – The results reported are diverse, but the number of calories burned per minute for a smooch between 2-6 calories. Imagine if you love kissing. You may be burning calories after consuming half a handful of chocolate before making love. There are 6 Interesting Facts about Kissing that need to know.

More Fun Facts:

  • We spend two weeks of our lives kissing. On average, people spend about 336 hours snogging—that’s a lot of lip service.
  • Lips are like snowflakes. As with frosty crystals and human fingerprints, no two lip impressions are the same.
  • Two thirds of people tilt their head to the right when they kiss.
  • Nachküssen is a German word that means “a kiss to make up for those that have not occurred”.
  • The history of “X” behind XOXO traces back to the Middle Ages when most people couldn’t read or write. Historians find documents where peasants used to mark “X” as a stand-in signature and then kissed the paper as an added gesture of sincerity.

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