Fun & Interesting Facts About Pigs

Did you know that piglets will learn their names in just a few weeks? Or that pigs are very smart? They are considered to be the sixth most intelligent animal in the world. They can even be taught tricks! Pigs can learn their tricks faster than other pets. Read on to learn more interesting facts about pigs.

Facts About Pigs

History Of Pigs

The modern-day pigs we see on farms came from Eurasia. They were domesticated about 10,000 years ago in Asia. However, the wild pigs in Europe are directly related to the pigs of today. Pigs have long been raised for food, and more recently as pets.

Piggy Color

All pigs in the wild are more of a camouflage color. Because of this coloring, they can blend into their surroundings and hide from any predators looking to eat them. However, it is thought that the color of pigs today is due to domestication. People would choose what colors they liked on pigs and then breed them to get what they were looking for. Eventually, they managed to have pink pigs, although there are still pigs that vary in colors.

Clean Piggy

One of the most interesting facts about pigs is that they are actually very clean animal contrary to popular belief. Even just hours after their birth, piglets will leave their mother to go and defecate elsewhere. They roll in mud to keep their skin cool since they don’t have sweat glands. However, if water were available, they would much rather swim than a roll in the mud. Did you know pigs are excellent swimmers?

Social Piggy

Pigs are incredibly social creatures. So much so that they form friendships, pigs, and other animals! They enjoy the company of other pigs so much they lay next to each other when sleeping. Pigs are great pets as well; they enjoy the interaction with humans, dogs, cats, and other household animals. However, if pigs are left alone for long periods of time without any company, they can actually become depressed and gain excess weight. Pigs can be taught to go for walks on a leash, fetch, and to do other tricks.

Fun facts about pigs

fun facts about pigs

Famous Pigs

In the movie “Babe”, the piglet was played by over 30 different piglets they outgrew the part so quickly during the production of the film.

Here, Piggy Piggy

The largest pig on record was a Poland-China hog named Big Bill, who weighed 2,552 lbs.

Pigs can’t fly, they squeal!

A pig’s squeal can be as loud as 115 decibels, that’s 3 decibels louder than the noise of a supersonic.

China superstition

In China, the pig is associated with virility and fertility, aside from their life-saving capacities. That’s why every Chinese couple who try to have children had a statue of pig in the bedroom.

So many

There are more pigs than humans in Denmark.


Winston Churchill famously said: “Dogs look up to man. Cats look down to man. Pigs look us straight in the eye and see an equal.”

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