Fun & Interesting Facts About Venus

It is worthwhile taking time to get to know more about the planets in the solar system. Although you may feel that what happens in space is irrelevant to what happens in your life, but, if you made an effort to open your mind, you would soon discover how interesting space can be. There are many facts you can learn about the planets, including Venus. Here are just a few of them.

Interesting Facts About Venus

Where is Venus concerning other planets?

Venus is the second planet along from the sun, after Mercury, and it’s the sixth-largest planet in the solar system.

What is unusual about Venus’s name?

It is not unusual for planets to be named after a Roman God, but Venus is the only planet to be named after a prominent female figure, the Roman Goddess of Love.

What is Venus made from?

The atmosphere of Venus is 96.5% carbon dioxide, and it would be impossible for humans to live there.

What does Venus look like?

Venus is known to be the hottest and brightest planet in the solar system. The brightness of Venus reaches its height just before sunset and just after sunrise, which is why it is often referred to as the ‘Morning Star’ or the ‘Evening Star.’ Indeed, Venus is so bright that it is known to cast shadows, which you can see for yourself if you look up into the sky on a moonless night. It is similar to Earth in terms of its size and gravitational pull. Venus has a surface which is very dry and comprised of flat plains and highland regions.

How old is Venus?

The surface of Venus is believed to be about half a billion years old, which, compared to the other planets, is relatively young.

How long does it take for Venus to complete a rotation?

It takes Venus a long time to complete a rotation. Indeed, it takes 243 Earth days for Venus to complete a single rotation.

What is unique about the way Venus rotates?

Venus rotates backward compared to the other planets. Instead of rotating counter-clockwise, it actually spins in a clockwork direction.

What is the atmospheric pressure of Venus?

The atmospheric pressure of Venus is 93 times the amount of pressure on Earth, which means that Venus is a very hostile place because even if the pressure didn’t kill you, it is certain that the heat and toxic chemicals would ensure you never made it out of there alive.

Does Venus have any satellites in its orbit?

No, there isn’t a single satellite orbiting Venus, thus confirming how different Venus is from Earth.

Hopefully, some of these facts have proved to be an interesting and useful introduction to Venus.

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