How You Can Use Dishwasher Tablets Other Than Using For The Obvious

How You Can Use Dishwasher Tablets Other Than Using For The Obvious

The best dishwasher tablets clean plates, bowls, and cutlery, but they’re not necessarily cheap, so we’ll let you in on a little secret: there’s more bang for your buck inside than you can imagine. In addition to chemicals, bleaches, enzymes, and surfactants, these tablets and pods dissolve food, lift tough stains, and leave surfaces gleaming. Wear rubber gloves when using these 12 clever ideas outside the dishwasher!

Take Care Of The Toilet

Squeeze a tablet into a bowl, dissolve it, and scrub. And then you will have a much easier time with the fumes that you will not get too much of. Have you thought of this method to clean your toilet? Now you know!

Cleaning White Clothing Of Stains

Add one dishwasher pod and your normal amount of detergent to your next load of white laundry. Once again, you’ll have clean, bright white clothes! You do not need to worry about bleach in this case which makes things much easier.

Drum Cleaning In The Washing Machine

After 10-15 minutes, run the washing machine on hot with just a dishwasher tablet inside and take a peek inside to see how much dirt and grime is inside, not to mention how relieved you’ll be once it’s all gone.

The Polishing Of Metal

The Polishing Of Metal

Add a dishwasher tab to a bucket of warm water and soak metal utensils and cutlery. Use the soapy water to dampen a sponge or rag and use it to polish kitchen and bathroom metal fixtures. Then you will have polished metal pieces by using very little effort.

Clean The Oven

Fill the bathtub with enough hot water to completely submerge the oven racks. Dishwasher pods can be broken into chunks and thrown into the tub to soak. Using another dishwasher tablet dampened like a sponge, scrub the inside of the oven and the door, then rinse with water. Open the door so that the inside of the racks can dry naturally, and then rinse them in the bathtub.

Renew Burnt Cookware

Renew Burnt Cookware

You can restore blackened pots and pans by adding half of a dishwasher tablet to boiling water, then simmering for five minutes. Fill a glass casserole dish with hot water and soak half a tablet overnight to remove baked-on food stains.

Clean Walls and Floors Of Crayon And Marker Scribbles

Add a dishwasher tablet to warm water, letting it dissolve for a few minutes. Use a damp sponge to wipe scribbled surfaces. Work a chunk of the still-dissolving tablet into an especially stubborn stain.

Keep Trashcans Clean By Disinfecting Them

Once you’ve emptied your garbage, it’s time for a deep clean if it still smells full. Let the dishwasher tablet dissolve in hot water for an hour or two, then dump it in the trash can. If necessary, scrub away any stains, thoroughly rinse, and smell it … it’s much better now, isn’t it?

Clean Dirty Patio Furniture

Is your outdoor seating still dirty from last year? After all, summer has come, but, oh dear, what happened to clean it? Pollen, bird droppings, and other grime can be scrubbed away by dampening a dishwasher pod. You will once and for all enjoy having clean patio furniture.

Clean Your Garage And Driveway Of Oil And Gas Stains

Make a paste from a dishwasher pod with enough warm water to crumble it. Rinse after a day or two after applying the mixture to the stain! You never have to worry about disgruntled neighbors giving you dirty looks because of your dirty driveway and garage, making a negative mark in the neighborhood.

Remove Tea And Coffee Stains

Fill your mugs with hot water, cut a dishwasher tablet into chunks, and soak one chunk per cup for a few hours if they go dingy, no matter how hard you scrub them. Followed by rinsing and washing! Now, you will not have to worry about those stains ruining your mugs!

Keep The Cat Box Clean By Deep Cleaning It

Your kitty’s litter will always smell of ammonia, regardless of how often you change it. Fill the box with hot water, drop it in a dishwasher pod and soak overnight every few weeks. After that, you no longer have to worry about a smelly litter box!

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