If You Are Currently Undergoing Cancer Treatments, You Will Want To Learn About How Honeybee Venom Can Help You

If You Are Currently Undergoing Cancer Treatments, You Will Want To Learn About How Honeybee Venom Can Help You

If you are undergoing cancer treatment for breast cancer, you are understandably terrified about how the chemotherapy or other treatments are really helping you. You go through difficult side effects and may find out that the cancer is still there, or you are not in remission for very long. However, there is one thing to remember when it comes to cancer or any kind of treatment. Studies are always finding new ways to treat cancer and to kill off the harmful cells once in for all.

That means if you have breast cancer, you will want to learn more about honeybee venom and how it can help you. That is because honeybee venom can quickly kill off two difficult breast cancer cells which can rapidly increase your odds of remission and even recovery. The other excellent thing about it is that honeybee venom can kill cancer cells and leaves the healthy ones intact and unharmed.

Honeybee Venom Is Not A New Treatment For A Variety Of Ailments

Honey has been one of the natural healing remedies that have been used for various ailments for thousands of years. The same goes for propolis and venom as it has been used in various medicines. However, in recent times, scientists have found that honeybee venom has another significant use and that is that it can indeed kill cancer cells. Honeybee venom has an active component which is known as melittin and that is toxic to all kinds of tumors which include lung, ovarian, pancreatic, and skin cancer. The findings were found to be the case in laboratory testing.

That painful feeling you get when the bee stings you is due to melittin and that is why it is something that people understandably dread when they hear that word. However, scientists are finding that the one thing that is so painful can be so helpful and life-saving as well.

That is why researchers who tested honeybee venom on breast cancer tumors were happy to see that they do kill off the most aggressive types of cells that are responsible for breast cancer. The most common types of breast cancer cells are HER2-enriched breast cancer and triple-negative breast cancer. Those types end up showing the worst outcomes for women affected by them, as well as a small group of men who end up with the disease. That is because those types of cancers are the most resistant to treatment.

However, the researchers in Australia discovered that honeybee venom does indeed quickly kill those cancer types whereas it does not have any significant effect on healthy cells. In fact, one doctor from an Australian university said that they discovered that melittin can entirely destroy cancer cells within one hour. However, melittin from bumblebees does not kill off cancer cells, even at high levels. Therefore, honeybee vemon is the one that is the most potent and effective for killing those cancer cells.

How Does Melittin Kill Cancer Cells?

The way it works is that the melittin creates holes in the cancerous cell membranes in addition to interrupting the chemical messages from the cells to encourage the others to keep diving and growing. Basically, the honeybee melittin blocks cancer cells signalling the other cells to grow but makes them ineffective.

Therefore, when you use honeybee venom in addition to chemotherapy, it can help enhance the effectiveness of the chemotherapy when it comes to killing off malignant cells. Therefore, doctors can utilize this protocol as the honeybee venom can help to reduce the dosage of chemotherapy used which means fewer side effects for the patient. There is still a lot more to research, but the findings so far appear to be positive and can provide hope for cancer patients.

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