If You Have These Signs, You May Have Psoriatic Arthritis

There are several types of arthritis, and two types are autoimmune which means the immune system attacks healthy tissues as it mistakes them for being foreign invaders. There are two types of arthritis which are rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Both types involve the immune system attacking the joints, but with psoriatic arthritis, the skin is included. Psoriasis is a skin condition that is characterized by blotchy and patchy skin. Those who are showing signs of arthritis on top of that may, in fact, have psoriatic arthritis. Let’s go over what signs to look for in that case:

Neck And Spine Pain

Neck And Spine Pain

One common symptom of psoriatic arthritis is having intense neck and spinal pain as the pain can be sharp and stabbing or dull. But it is constant and worsens during flare-ups. There are so many other causes for neck and spinal pain, but you would have to have other symptoms accompanying that one.

Scalp That is Flaky

You may find yourself having a lot of flaky skin on your scalp which will have the appearance of dandruff. You may also notice some skin patches on your scalp if you don’t have hair. If you do have hair, you won’t see it, but if you go get your hair styled, the stylist will probably notice it and say something to you.

Skin That Is Scaly

Skin That Is Scaly

You know you have the patches because of psoriasis but you will also have skin that is scaly. Not only is your skin scaly but it consists of patches that will itch. Not everyone who has psoriatic arthritis will have other signs of psoriasis at first. Therefore, these symptoms are a telltale sign that you may have the condition.

Weak Muscles

Muscles Get Stronger

You may find that during flareups, you will have weak muscles. They will get tired and you will also be very fatigued as a result. The weakness will be a lot worse in your knees and it will also make it difficult to walk which is also caused by stiffness. You will not be able to walk as far distances as you once did with the condition.

Eye Infections

Psoriatic arthritis can characterize eye infections such as uveitis which is shown as red eyes and they are very itchy as well. This condition will begin to worsen if ignored, and that is why you will also have to start going to an eye doctor regularly if you are diagnosed.

Stiffness And Swelling In Fingers And Other Parts Of The Body

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Your body will become stiff, particularly in the fingers, shoulders, and knees. You will struggle to be your fingers and knees, and they will be incredibly swollen. During flareups, you will have pain, swelling, and stiffness in your elbows, fingers, and knees and it will be difficult to get around, and the range of motion will be limited as well.

Nails Rough And Scaly

If You Have These Signs, You May Have Psoriatic Arthritis

Your fingers and toenails will become pitted, rough, and scaly, and it will appear that they have fungal infections even if they don’t. They could begin to separate and break apart. That is also a telltale sign of having the condition. If you have this symptom along with some of the others listed, then you will need to see a rheumatologist.

Anxiety And Depression

High stress or anxiety

When you have any chronic condition, you will end up having anxiety and depression over not being able to do the things that you once did. And the anxiety will be caused by worrying about your health and you will also lose interest in doing the things you enjoy, which is a sign of depression.

There are treatments involving steroids and immunosuppressants for psoriatic arthritis, which can help you get back to living the life you once had. But there is no cure for this condition or any other autoimmune condition, and you will learn ways to live with it.

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