If You Want To Boost Your Immune System, There Are 7 Tips That Experts Have For You

If You Want To Boost Your Immune System, There Are 7 Tips That Experts Have For You

Having a robust immune system will help you fight off bugs and germs as well as other viruses and bacteria once your immune system is primed to fight them through vaccination and sometimes the previous infection. However, there are ways to make your immune system stronger and that is beneficial to know, especially during cold and flu season. That is also very beneficial to know how to improve your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic once you are vaccinated against it. That means if you were to get a breakthrough infection, you could fare well with it if you use these seven tips to improve your immune system according to experts:

Get Better Sleep

Sleep is important when it comes to keeping your immune system strong. It is ideal to get seven to eight hours of sleep nightly. However, if you get six or nine hours of sleep, you can get by. Anything less than six hours or more than nine hours will put your immune system and general health at risk. You need sleep to cleanse your body and get the rest you need.

Eat The Right Foods

You want to stick to a diet of healthy foods that have vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. That means eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, eggs, fish, or if you are vegan, lentils, beans, tofu, and protein supplements. If you do not have an allergy to nuts, then add a few nuts to your diet. All of those foods are rich in nutrients that you need to boost your immune system. Take supplements if you must as well.

If You Smoke, Work On A Plan With Your Doctor To Quit

We all know that smoking is not good for you but the thing is that habits are difficult to break. Once you get into the habit of smoking, you will have to work hard to quit as quitting will help you fight off illnesses more easily. If you feel you have it within you to quit cold turkey, then by all means. However, the best thing to do is to work with your doctor while quitting as weaning you off will work best in the end. That is because quitting cold turkey can cause a lot of stress which can also defeat the purpose.

Managing Stress Is Key

If you do not manage a lot of the stress you are under, you will end up causing your immune system to weaken. Stress is unavoidable, and a little stress is not a bad thing because it keeps you motivated and keeps your purpose alive. However, too much of a good thing is not good at all. That means if you are under too much stress, you need to manage it. That is why it is important to do the things you enjoy and find time for yourself. If you are dealing with caregiving stress, you need respite and you will need to have someone take over the duties while you get that respite you need.

Learn Your Optimal Weight And Do What You Can Get There

The fact is if you are obese or are severely underweight, you are at an increased risk of getting sick with an infection. That means the ideal thing is to learn your optimal weight and work with a dietician if you must to get there. Weight loss is simple but at the same time complex. Especially when it comes to navigating through so many emotional issues. You need to work with a dietician if you need to gain weight as well.


You do not have to do a heavy-duty workout daily, but a brisk walk for a half-hour a day will suffice. It is important to get moving to help circulation and to help improve your overall health.

Drink In Moderation

You can enjoy a few drinks here and there but don’t overdo it as drinking too much will tax your liver. Having one glass of wine daily is a good thing and has many benefits too.

These tips are ones you have heard before, but the reason it is important is that they can help you stay strong during flu and cold season, as well as help you minimize the effects of breakthrough infections if you were to get one.

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