13 Immune-Boosting Foods To Get You Through Cold And Flu Season

Can your diet really reduce your risk of catching a cold or flu? Well, yes, it can. While people believe that frequent hand washing is often the first line of defense against germs, you can significantly enhance your body’s ability to fight off infections by choosing the right foods.

13 Immune-Boosting Foods To Get You Through Cold And Flu Season
While it is very important to eat healthy food all year around, it becomes crucial to eat specific foods in the flu season, which would help you stay fit. Foods heavy with antioxidants like vitamin A, C, or E do just that. Add these to the daily diet to protect the immune system and decrease the chances of falling ill. Here are some specific foods that you need to look out for:

13 – Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes

They contain a lot of antioxidant beta-carotene, a well-known carotenoid, which creates vitamin A in the body, which boosts immune function by lowering the amount of free radicals, helping to eliminate the cause of sickness. Other foods high in beta-carotene include carrots, pumpkin, and spinach.

12 – Nuts


Nuts, such as almonds or walnuts, provide vitamin E, selenium, and other nutrients that help boost the immune system and protect against cold and flu. Vitamin E helps boost the immune system by enhancing the activity of T-cells (the white blood cells involved in protecting us from viral, fungal, and other infections). Selenium (found in brazil nuts) is a trace mineral with a very powerful antioxidant property that also works to keep your immune system strong. In fact, low levels of selenium have been linked to increased risk of developing more severe flu.

11 – Garlic


Garlic contains a sulfur compound known as allicin, which gives it the characteristic odor and the immune-boosting properties. Additionally, garlic offers several antioxidants that battle immune system invaders. To get the most of it, crush the garlic cloves and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes before cooking to activate immune-boosting enzymes.

10 – Dairy Products

Dairy products

Dairy products like cheese, yogurt, etc. contain conjugated linoleic acid, a natural component of dairy fat, which has boosted immune response in humans. Try to go for probiotic dairy products as they contain healthy bacteria, which are not only good for digestion, but researchers think that they may stimulate the production of immune system substances that fight disease. Some studies have even shown that eating a daily cup of low-fat yogurt can reduce your susceptibility to colds by 25 percent.

9 – Ginger

This is Why You Should Drink Ginger Juice in the Morning

Ginger encourages the body to produce dermcidin, a substance that helps in fighting off infections. Dermicidin protects against invading microorganisms, including bacteria such as E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Also, ginger is a good expectorant. It is very useful in removing mucus from the throats and lungs, and thus aids in the clearing of the passageways. You can add grated ginger to your salads or crush it and add to tea whichever way you prefer.

8 – Oranges

Oranges and orange juice

With a high Vitamin C content and strong antioxidant properties, oranges work fantastic when it comes to fighting off the cold virus. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to keep your immune system strong. Other foods high in vitamin C include spinach, tomatoes, strawberries, grapefruit, and kiwi.

7 – Turmeric


Turmeric is a powerful spice that has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines since ancient times. It contains ‘curcumin,’ a polyphenol with powerful cold and flu-fighting abilities. The best way to have it is to add it to lukewarm milk and have it before bedtime.

6 – Honey

Honey has Anti-Bacterial Properties

Honey is basically a resin with antibacterial and antioxidant properties that helps to fight diseases and maintain good health. Honey also works well as a cough suppressant. You can drink warm water with a dash of lime and a tablespoonful of honey to ease sore throats and cold.

5 – Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil is loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids. The omega 3 fatty acids boost the production of phagocytes, the white blood cells that protect the body by ingesting harmful foreign particles, bacteria, and dead or dying cells. Other good sources of omega 3 fatty acids include walnuts, salmon, tuna, and mackerel.

4 – Oysters

Fresh oysters on ice

Oysters are mostly associated with sex. But they contain more zinc than any other food which is ideal for the immune system. Serve it boiled or in a salad to get a fantastic taste. Other foods rich in zinc include cremini mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, and sea vegetables.

3 – Mushroom


Mushroom, especially shiitake mushroom, contains an active compound called lentinan, which can power up the immune system, strengthening its ability to fight infection and disease. Animal studies have also shown mushrooms to have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-tumor effects.

2 – Chili pepper

6 Surprising Health Benefits of Chili Pepper You Absolutely Need to Know

Chili pepper contain active substances called capsicum, which stimulates the immune system. They are also rich in vitamin C and carotene.

1 – Oregano

fresh Oregano

The tangy flavoring agent that you add to your pasta and pizzas has anti-microbial and immune-boosting properties, which protect against cold, influenza, flu and fevers.

Many people feel hungry when they are down with cold and flu and most of them go for the wrong food. But as you can see, going in for the right food which is enriched with vitamins A and C is the way forward. Of course, avoiding unhealthy food is important too!

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