8 Lifestyle Tips To Deal With A Sensitive Stomach And Feel Better…

Not everything can go well with your stomach! Your stomach is definitely not a pouch that is meant to accept all that you pour inside it. Your taste buds may approve some foods during the initial round of the “selection” process. Still, your stomach, the ultimate authority, may not show consent to the decision of the taste buds.

8 Lifestyle Tips To Deal With A Sensitive Stomach And Feel Better...

In such cases, you may feel that your stomach is sending negative signals, expressing its sensitivity. So how can you deal with your sensitive stomach? Here are the ways:

8 – Know Your Triggers

Know Your Triggers

If you have a sensitive stomach, it’s always better to know the kind of foods that trigger a situation. You can keep a food diary and make notes about how your body tolerates a particular food.

he possible triggers can be dairy products, which can cause bloating and gases, or it can be a fried food item, chilly or spices too. Some people find it hard to tolerate coffee or tea and have an immediate feeling of going to the bathroom. Sometimes, the trigger can be very hot or very cold food or drink too.

In individuals who have a sensitive stomach, whole grains or raw vegetables may irritate the stomach lining just because of the roughage. In such a case, fiber should be modified before being consumed. For instance, these vegetables may be soft cooked or steamed and then consumed instead of having them in the raw form. Some vegetables like radish, broccoli, cauliflowers, and onions with strong flavors can also be gas forming.

You can either restrict the quantity or modify the form of the food or avoid it completely based on the kind of reaction it produces on you.

7 – Know Your Restaurants

Know Your Restaurants

A person with a sensitive stomach often avoids dining out at the restaurants because of prior experiences. But one should not give up on it completely. You can visit certain restaurants to see if they can alter the dishes based on your requirements and also choose your menu effectively. Don’t order for mushroom if you know it calls trouble.

If you have a list of restaurants where you are comfortable eating, you can go for your outings to these restaurants and lead a normal social life without troubling your health.

6 – Keep the Necessary Medications Handy at All Times

Necessary Medications Handy

It is necessary to talk to your doctor about the medications that you take and always keep the prescribed medication handy, especially while eating out or traveling or while visiting friends and family. This will help you in handling the situation well, just in case things don’t go as planned. You can also take an over-the-counter antidiarrheal medication if you know you are going to eat a meal that is likely to cause you to have diarrhea.

5 – Lack of Adequate Sleep and Stress

Poor Sleep Pattern

These are the conditions that may trigger a sensitive stomach. Hence, one must learn the de-stressing techniques like yoga, meditation, Pranayama, or other therapies like music. And also, make sure to take rest by sleeping for at least 7 hours.

4 – Eat Slowly

Eat Slowly

This is a basic rule for all. Eating slowly and chewing food properly is important for people with a sensitive stomach. This allows the saliva to mix thoroughly with the food and thus helps in a better breakdown of food before it enters the stomach (saliva contains enzymes like amylase that helps digest carbohydrates). It also reduces the risk of swallowing more air, which may cause gas.

3 – Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

Both alcohol and smoking can trigger indigestion and further complicate the situation. So it is better to stay away from both of these addictions.

2 – Keep Hydrated

Keep Hydrated

If you experience acidity and indigestion frequently, then it’s better to keep a check on your hydration. Make sure you drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water in a day to reduce the possibility of acidity.

1 – Avoid Lying Down or Harsh Activities after Meals

Avoid Lying Down or Harsh Activities after Meals

You must avoid lying down immediately after a meal or doing any harsh activity or exercise. Both of these extreme conditions can lead to problems.

Whatever your stomach takes in or accepts will also look good on your plate! At the end of the day, it is all about responding to the needs of the stomach. There can be no second opinion about it – our stomach is the “driver” of all our activities. So, it is better to plan our diet for the overall benefit of the “delicate” pouch!

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