10 Ways You May Be Using Hand Sanitizer All Wrong

It is very hard to find hand sanitizer as they are sold out wherever you go. That is because people are grabbing them and thinking they are the magical thing that will prevent them from catching the Coronavirus or other infections.

10 Ways You May Be Using Hand Sanitizer All Wrong

However, hand sanitizer will not do anyone any good if they are not used in the way that they are meant to be used. Let’s look at 10 ways that you may be using hand sanitizer the wrong way.

#10 – You Use Hand Sanitizer As A Replacement For Washing Hands

You Use Hand Sanitizer As A Replacement For Washing Hands

Hand sanitizer is the next best thing to clean your hands if you don’t have access to soap and water. However, they are not a replacement. The best way to remove germs from your hands is by washing your hands with soap and water thoroughly for 20 seconds. Hand sanitizers cannot clean hands that are extremely germ-filled.

#9 – You Don’t Use Enough Of It

Don't Use Enough hand sanitizer

If you are putting on a very light coating and not covering your hands and fingers in hand sanitizer, then it will not effectively clean your hands. You need to put on a large amount of one single pump and clean your palms of your hands, your fingers, and the insides of your fingers.

#8 – You Use It Too Much

Too Much hand sanitizer

If you are using hand sanitizer all of the time, then you are simply overusing it to the point that it is killing off the good bacteria on your hands. This will only dry out your skin and make you more prone to infections and skin conditions. Only use hand sanitizer if there is no access to soap and water and don’t overdo it.

#7 – The One You Are Using Is Weak

You Are Only Using Hand Sanitizer

If you are not using a hand sanitizer that is at least 60 percent concentrated with alcohol, then it is useless and will not clean your hands at all. You may as well not use it at all in that case.

#6 – They Are Accessible To Children

hand sanitizer Accessible To Children

Hand sanitizers should always be kept away from kids and only to supervise them as they use it to clean their hands. If they ingest too much of it, it can make them very sick. There is alcohol in it!

#5 – You Don’t Let It Dry

You Don't Let It Dry

If you are not rubbing the hand sanitizer throughout your hands and allowing it to dry, then it is useless. If you put a dab of hand sanitizer on your hands and barely rub it all the way, and wipe your hands off against your clothes, it will not clean your hands at all.

#4 – You Touch The Pump After You Clean Your Hands

Touch The Pump After You Clean Your Hands

If you touch the pump after cleaning your hands, then you are contaminating yourself again. The pump is full of germs. The best way to do it is by pumping with the side of your fist or hand. Be sure not to touch the bottle after cleaning your hands.

#3 – You’re Relying On DIY Hand Sanitizer

Relying On DIY Hand Sanitizer

It is understandable that hand sanitizer is hard to find since people have been panic buying. But if you are creating a mixture of hand sanitizer, there is a good chance it is not strong enough to kill germs. You are better off with limiting how often you go grocery shopping and just relying on soap and water and a thorough clean instead if you are unable to get hand sanitizer. Just keep your hands off of your face.

#2 – You Are The One Panic Buying

You Are The One Panic Buying

You may be anxiously waiting to hear when the stores have been restocked with hand sanitizer. But if you are hoarding it as soon as you see them on the shelves, you are not allowing others to have access to any. This will prevent them from having any and that will keep the virus going. Only buy no more than two bottles and leave the rest for others to stay clean.

#1 – You Sanitize Your Gloved Hands

You Sanitize Your Gloved Hands

If you use hand sanitizer while wearing gloves, you are ruining the gloves as the alcohol will eat through the latex or other materials. There is no need to use hand sanitizer if you are wearing gloves.

Now you know what to do in order to use hand sanitizer correctly. Stay safe and use it right.

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