The 10 Most Disgusting House Bugs — and the Best Ways to Get Rid of Them

The one thing that people dread the most when spring is on its way to arriving is that there will be bugs and lots and lots of bugs. And many of them will end up creeping into the house. And there is that concern that a bug infestation will happen during the summer.

That is gross, but the good news is that there are ways to get rid of them. Let’s talk about the 10 most disgusting house bugs and the best ways to get rid of them.

Meal Moths

Meal Moths

These moths are also known as pantry moths and they look for food that includes beans, flour, as well as dehydrated fruit. They’ll also eat Christmas ornaments and pet food. Fortunately, these moths are not disease carriers so you can eat the food after removing their carcasses. You will also want to freeze food for at least 4 days. The best thing to do is to use strong and sealed containers for your food and they will disappear if they don’t have access to food.

Fruit Flies

Fruit Flies

These tiny flies are a major pest and they are attracted to fruit but they will become infested no matter what. It is easy to prevent an infestation. Take some dish soap and apple cider vinegar (or any vinegar) and put it in a bowl. Take saran wrap to cover it and poke holes in it, and the fruit flies will fly into them and become trapped.

Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a common problem for many households. They end up hiding in sofas and mattresses, and even in your pets’ bedding as well. The best thing to do is to prevent an infestation before it becomes a problem by setting traps on your bedframe so the bugs don’t go up. Close up any cracks with caulking, and cover electrical outlets which are where they also hide.


Stops Ant Infestations From Happening

Ants are a common pest and there are different types. The best thing to do is to locate the ant nest and you will want to call a professional to remove it as that will take care of the problem right there. However, another way to do it is to set traps. Get a plate out and put some honey, peanut butter, and a french fry on it and it will attract all of the ants in the house, and keep doing it daily after tossing the plates out.


Everyone hates cockroaches

Cockroach infestations are the one thing that people dread because once there is an infestation, you have to call an exterminator. Therefore, the best thing to do is to prevent it from happening. Cockroaches love paper and you will want to keep magazines, books, newspapers, and paper in general away from the floor where it is accessible. Also, seal up any cracks in your home which will make it harder for them to get through.

Gnats And Flies

The thing with gnats and flies is that they have very short lifespans so they won’t last long but they can carry disease. And they like to hang around the trash. Always keep your trash cans sealed so they cannot get into it and they will be more likely to leave on their own.



Yes, it is a known fact that spiders do eat insects but you don’t want to have them in your home. The best thing to do is prevent them from laying their eggs and the best way to do that is to clean out any cobwebs that are around. That is where they lay their eggs and have a professional look in every area of your home if you are unsure of what areas to look to remove them.



Fleas usually stick around pets but they can bite humans and jump from one being to another quickly. You will want to make sure that your pets have their flea treatments before the season starts, and you can get safe sprays from vets as well to kill any if you are noticing that they are infesting your home.

House Centipedes

House Centipedes

House centipedes are not a serious issue as they don’t usually bother anyone and you may notice them in the sink or garage. However, they stay away from light at all costs and they stay away from you. The best thing to do is if you see one is to literally step on it with a shoe. But these bugs have a good purpose and they eat other insects that are more of pests.

They will not infest your home as spiders do either. They never create any webs or nests. You may not want to kill these bugs as they are the ones to thank if you don’t end up with an infestation of moths, silverfish, flies, termites, and roaches.


7 Reasons Why Mosquitoes Are Attracted to You, According to Science

You don’t want mosquitoes around as they can carry diseases and they will bite you even if you don’t feel it at the time. You feel it after once you are itchy. There are many DIY mosquitoes repellents to try

Insects are gross and you don’t want them in your house. These top 10 ones that are the most problematic can be eliminated or prevented with these steps.

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