10 Most Toxic And Dangerous Foods That Cause Cancer Which Should Never “Get In Your Mouth”

Sure, there are many foods out there that are probably not good for our health. However, we still take our chances and eat them anyway, claiming that working out will cancel them or that we will start eating better “one day”.

10 Most Toxic And Dangerous Foods That Cause Cancer Which Should Never "Get In Your Mouth"

However, there are some foods that are not only bad for you, but are extremely dangerous. In fact, many foods are known promoters of cancer, one of the leading causes of death in the world. If you want to safeguard your health and dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, make sure to avoid these 10 most toxic and dangerous foods that cause cancer. These foods should never get in your mouth.

Microwave popcorn

Microwave popcorn

Unfortunately, this fun and delicious snack is not so good for your health. It’s not the popcorn itself that is carcinogenic, but the bags that they come in. These bags are lined with chemicals that are known to cause infertility as well as cancer of the testicles, liver, and pancreas.

Canned Soups

Canned Soups

Because it is soup, you wouldn’t be judged on assuming that canned soup is good for you. But on the contrary, canned soup is actually one of the worst foods you can put in your mouth. In addition to containing wildly unhealthy amounts of sodium, it also contains a lot of artificial preservatives, which all contribute to your risk of cancer development.

Potato Crisps

Potato Crisps

This timeless snack is also one of the most unhealthy foods you can eat. Since the chips are cooked in oil (that probably contains trans fat) at extremely high temperatures, acrylamide is created. Acrylamide is a known carcinogen. In fact, it is the leading cause of cancer development to date.



It might be a cheap and easy spread for your sandwiches, but it can be quite costly in the long run. Margarine contains a lot of trans fats, which wreak havoc on your body. In fact, trans fats are linked to a higher risk of cancer. It’s artificial as well and causes your cholesterol levels to spike.



Dairy products such as milk and cheese contain lactose, which your body has a hard time processing with age. These dairy products contain harmful cancerous cells as well, often causing inflammation and increasing your risk of cancer.



It is no secret that soda is bad for you. It’s loaded with sugar, chemicals, and colorings. It’s so bad in fact, that it quite literally feeds cancer cells in the body. On top of that, soda contains 4-methylimidazole, which is a known cause of cancer.



It tastes so good but is so bad for you. As it stands, sugar is one of the leading causes of obesity and diabetes. On top of that, it is also linked to an increased risk of health issues with your liver, digestive system, and pancreas. It is also a promoter of cancer and should be limited by all means.

Refined white flour

White Flour

A very common ingredient in many processed foods (think: Little Debbie snacks), refined white flour contains a wild amount of carbohydrates. Many studies have shown that excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates is linked to a dramatic increase in breast cancer for women. These refined carbs also increase blood sugar levels in the body, which directly feed cancer cells.

Farmed salmon

Farmed salmon

Wild-caught salmon, while still containing some mercury and microplastics, is much better for you than farmed salmon. Not only does farmed salmon lack vitamin D, but it is also commonly contaminated with carcinogenic chemicals such as pesticides, antibiotics, PCBs, and flame retardants.

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