As this pandemic has been taken over the world, there is a lot of misinformation circulating around about if you strengthen your immune system, you will prevent yourself from getting the virus – or any virus. Even though there are ways to make your immune system stronger, there are no preventatives.
Additionally, there is a lot of misinformation spreading around as it is about your immune system. Let’s go over the 11 myths about it that need to be debunked.
#11 – Garlic Will Prevent You From Getting Sick
It is true that garlic can help strengthen your immune system, but that does not mean garlic will prevent you from even catching a cold. It is a booster, not a preventative. Therefore, unfortunately, that even means if you eat cloves of garlic daily, you can still catch the Coronavirus or any other illness.
#10 – Your Immune System Is Mostly On The Upper Part Of Your Body
You may think that if you have a cough or the sniffles which happens in the upper part of your body, that is where your immune system is concentrated in. However, that is untrue as your bowels and bone marrow are also part of your immune system. The bacteria in your gut are also impactful on your immune system as well which is why you want to take probiotics to help keep it stronger.
#9 – You Have To Rinse Your Nose With Saline Or Water To Keep Infections At Bay
The idea of using a Neti Pot to clear your sinuses is cringe-worthy and the great news is that it is not necessary despite what you have been told. Rinsing your nose and sinuses with a Neti Pot will not keep infections at bay. In fact, they can worsen your immune function by shifting the viruses and bacteria can be lodged deeper in the nose. Additionally, if you use tap water for rinsing, you may put pathogens into your sinuses which can be dangerous.
#8 – Sugar Is Harmless To Your Immune System
Sugar is not harmless as it actually can cause your immune system to slow down and weaken. That is because it can kill off cells in your body that can help fight infections. There is nothing wrong with having a sugary treat once a week as anything in moderation is fine. But don’t eat sugar on a regular basis or you will get sick more often.
#7 – Supplements Work Like Magic

Supplements are helpful when it comes to boosting your immune system, but they do not work like magic. This means if you take supplements daily, you can still easily get sick as they are not a preventative for your immune system.
#6 – Sleep Has No Effect On Your Immune System
If you don’t get enough quality sleep (7 to 8 hours a night), or if you don’t nap during the day if you don’t get enough sleep at night – you will be prone to getting sicker. When you sleep, your body repairs itself and when your body has the opportunity to repair itself, it keeps your immune system stronger. Not getting enough sleep will weaken your immune system.
#5 – Stress Has No Effect On The Immune System
When you are dealing with stress, you are facing many hormonal imbalances and an increase in cortisol. This can wreak havoc on your immune function. Therefore, stress that is not managed properly can have a negative impact on your immune system. This is why it is important to wind down each evening after a long day of work, or meditate, or take up yoga.
#4 – Exercising A Lot Can Improve Your Immune System
Even though it is important to get some exercise daily which would be a half-hour brisk walk a day, overdoing it is also as bad as living a sedentary lifestyle. If you exercise too much such as spending all day at the gym working out, that can wear your body out and cause your immune system to get weaker. Even too much of a good thing is not good for you.
#3 – The Immune System Is Independent
If you think your immune system works by itself in your body, you are incorrect as it relies on other systems as well. For instance, your immune system and digestive system work hand in hand. If one is not functioning properly, the other one does not either. This is why if you catch a cold, your appetite can go off and you can either become constipated or have diarrhea for example.
#2 – Foods With Antibacterial Properties Can Help Fight Infections
Foods such as honey, garlic, and chicken soup have been said to have medicinal properties. However, even though on some level they can help strengthen your immune system, they are not magic either. Therefore, they may be given more credit than they deserve.
#1 – You Must ‘Boost’ Your Immune System
You have been told by well-meaning people that in order to not get sick, you need to ‘boost’ your immune system by eating certain foods and sleeping well. Even though boosting your immune system will help, you still can catch an infection or a virus. Boosting your immune system will only go so far.
Now you know the common myths about the immune system, you are better informed of how it can be strengthened, and what degree it can.