Numbness or Tingling in Your Hands Is One of the Early Signs of MS

Numbness or Tingling in Your Hands Is One of the Early Signs of MS

Multiple sclerosis or MS is a severe condition in which your brain has communication problems with the rest of the body. The brain and spinal cord are damaged, and that leads to pain and discomfort.

And although it is still unclear how someone gets MS, and there’s no cure for the condition, detecting it at its early stages allows for treating it to extend the patient’s life expectancy.

So, how do you know if you have early signs of multiple sclerosis? Well, it’s not that easy to determine, but here are the most common signs and symptoms of MS, including numbness and tingling in your hands and other symptoms experienced during relapses, most of which can be easily confused with other diseases and conditions.

What is Multiple Sclerosis?

Let’s start by understanding what MS really is and determining if you suffer from the condition. Although not precisely hereditary, Multiple sclerosis does have something to do with genetic variations. One million people in the US suffer from MS, and somewhere close to 2.3 million people in the world suffer from it.

Numbness, visual problems and sensory disfunction are common, and that’s because the nervous system starts to fail. Coordination fails, too. And blurred vision, muscle spasms and difficulty performing simple tasks are symptoms of early MS as well.

Sure, tingling hands might be a sign of MS, but they should come with other symptoms. MS affects all the body, and you can even have problems with your thinking as well. Depression, an unstable mood and even unusual high temperatures might be part of a more lavish set of symptoms that suggest one suffers from MS.

Other Symptoms of MS

If you have numbed or tingling hands, you might have early symptoms of MS, yes, but these are some other symptoms you should also be aware of. If more than one of these is common, then you want to talk to a doctor.

Fatigue. This symptom might come and go with MS’s relapses, but it’s common in the early stages, as muscle spasms and difficulty moving, plus coordination and balance problems, cause overall fatigue and tiredness.

Difficulty Walking. Loss of balance, together with numbness and sight problems, make walking difficult for a person with MS, especially during the most intense relapses. If you feel clumsier than usual, you should check yourself.

Vision Problems. The eyes are very sensitive, and the fragile nerves in them suffer the most during MS. Difficulty seeing, a tired sight and light sensitivity are possible symptoms of MS. Together with deficient motor functions, you might be looking at a clear case of multiple sclerosis.

How to Diagnose MS?

If you have MS symptoms, it’s time to call a doctor and check yourself out. Although the diagnosis of the condition is complex, the following exams might give you a better insight into your state.

An MRI scan might reveal lesions in your brain with a special contrasting die; if your spinal cord or brain has lesions, MS might be revealed.

A lumbar puncture, also called a spinal tap, could be a way of finding infections and abnormalities. Although the process is a bit extreme, it might provide proof about possible MS.

Blood tests won’t reveal multiple sclerosis, but they can be used to rule out diseases that might have similar symptoms. After all, MS affects the entire body, and many conditions cause disorientation, pain and other related symptoms.

A doctor will indeed offer you other alternatives to determine if you have multiple sclerosis.

Tingling Hands Are Probably Nothing Serious but Check Yourself Out Anyway!

Tingling hands and numbness are without a doubt a symptom of MS, but it’s neither the most noticeable nor the most common; many other symptoms are more evident and could help you determine if you might suffer from early signs of MS. And remember, you need not diagnose yourself; talk to a doctor and let them figure out if there’s something wrong with you.

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