Premature Skin Aging: 5 Things You Can Do To Avoid It

The face is the conveyor of all our emotions. The skin of the face is also the most affected by our lifestyle. You probably didn’t pay much attention to the skin on your face while you were in your youth as it’s not until we reach a certain age that we may finally begin to notice the effects our lifestyle has had on the skin of our face.

Premature Skin Aging: 5 Things You Can Do To Avoid It

Take a person who has left their youth long behind and who has had a life of bad food, alcohol, lack of sun protection, and possibly smoking. Now stand them beside someone who has paid attention to their diet and looked after themselves fairly well. It’s sad to say, but it will not be hard to determine who has and who hasn’t looked after themselves and their skin with barely a glance.

The way we treat ourselves through life is never more apparent than on our face. It’s an accurate indicator of healthful lifestyle choices versus the not so good. Premature aging on our facial skin can be slowed and even reversed for a while if you haven’t been treating it well, with a few simple lifestyle changes.

The time to start is now as whatever we do to prevent aging of our face also transfers to the rest of our body and overall health. Here are five simple choices we can make to avoid any more premature aging of our skin:

5 – Plenty Of Rest And Sleep

Sleep Makes You Fitter quality sleep

Not getting enough sleep will cause dehydrated, pasty looking, and wrinkly skin.

There is an absolute truth to the mythical dogma of getting your “beauty sleep,” as it is one of the easiest ways (and cheapest) to start working at reducing the effects of aging on your skin. We aren’t saying you should cut work early but just up the ante from 4 or 5 hours a night to 6 or 7 instead.

Sleep helps the body repair itself against the day’s exposure to pollutants, chemicals, and UV rays.

4 – Eating A Nutritious Diet

Eating A Nutritious Diet

Make sure your diet contains plenty of vitamins and antioxidants.

Antioxidants are found in concentrated levels in vegetables such as sprouts, broccoli, spinach, and radish. Antioxidants are essential as they help fight off cancer-causing free radicals that are continually forming in the body due to our continued exposure to a harsh environment.

It would be best if you consume plenty of fruits and vegetables known to contain vitamins such as Vitamin C, A, E, and flavonoids to ensure you have an adequate supply of antioxidants.

3 – Quit Smoking

If you haven’t already—stop smoking

Smoking is notoriously tough on your skin and is the second most common cause of premature aging after getting too much sun. The nicotine inhaled into the body contracts all of your blood vessels – preventing your blood from supplying the cells with essential oxygen.

Giving up smoking provides a whole host of benefits (reducing the risk of heart disease for one), and you will overall feel a lot healthier for it – won’t it be great when you can run up those stairs without getting short of breath?

2 – Daily Moisturizing Regime

Daily Moisturizing Regime

Apart from sleeping, this is probably the next most effortless lifestyle change for reducing the premature aging of your skin.

Twice a day will give you the best protection. A simple method to remember is to make the application of your moisturizer a first thing in the morning and the last thing at night routine.

1 – Keep Applying Protection

Keep Applying Protection sun protection

The sun does horrible things to our skin, so make sure you always apply a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 before venturing out into it.

Wearing adequate protection in the form of clothing such as hats, long sleeves, and sunglasses is also a good idea to protect the top of our heads, arms, and our eyes as well.

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