8 Signs That Your Body Is Crying Out For Help

You may be wondering why you are craving some foods, or having uncomfortable itchy skin or other strange things going on with your body.

8 Signs That Your Body Is Crying Out For Help

But they are not just strange things that happen out of thin air. Your body is crying out for help and there are 8 different ways it shows that. Let’s look at those ways below:

#8 – Skin That Is Very Dry

Skin That Is Very Dry

Have you wondered why your skin is all of a sudden very dry and flaky? You may think it is a result of showing too often (or not showering enough). However, that is not at all the case. Your skin is dry because you do not have enough Vitamin E in your system which is what keeps it perfectly hydrated and properly nourished. You need to eat more foods that contain this important vitamin. Vegetables, fish, nuts, and oils have a lot of this important vitamin.

#7 – Leg Cramps And Having Trouble Falling Asleep

Leg Cramps And Having Trouble Falling Asleep

Those leg cramps are not fun to have, that is for sure. And on top of that, you are dealing with insomnia, as well as being irritable. You are lacking potassium and magnesium which will keep your body in good shape so you can sleep and you won’t end up with leg cramps. Be sure to eat more bananas, spinach, tomatoes, and oranges in your diet.

#6 – Ice Craving


If you are feeling the need to eat ice and you have no idea why then you are dealing with an iron deficiency. You need to eat sources that have iron. Meat and fish are excellent sources, but if you are vegetarian, then eggs, spinach, and lentils are great sources (and vegans can eat spinach and lentils, and take an iron supplement).

#5 – Sugar Craving

Sugar Craving chocolate

Everyone has a sugar craving every now and then and that is fine. But if you are finding that you have a sweet tooth often and you know that eating junk too much is not good for you, then you need some extra glucose. However, in order to be smart about it, you can get it from dark chocolate and honey so you will not pack on the pounds.

#4 – Brittle Hair And Nails

Brittle nails

You may think your hair is just simply too dry and your nails are just thin. But there is a reason behind both of those things and it is not just simply normal to have very dry skin or hair. This is a sign that you are lacking in B vitamins. You need to consume more dairy, mushrooms, and seaweed, or get it through supplements if you must.

#3 – Bleeding Gums

Gums are Bleeding

If you are finding that your gums are bleeding right after you brush your teeth, and if it is accompanied by feeling tired, then you need to check to see how much citrus fruits and vegetables that you are consuming. Perhaps not enough. That is because there is a lack of vitamin C in your system and you need to eat more foods that contain the important vitamin to help keep your immune system strong or take a supplement if you must.

#2 – Morton’s Toe

Morton’s Toe

The other term for this wide toe is the Greek toe. It is when your second toe is longer and it is the cause for foot discomfort and callouses. This is caused by wearing shoes or boots that are not fitting your feet properly and if this is an issue, it is time to shop around for other footwear that will not cause you any discomfort.

#1 – Iris Rings

Iris Rings

This is something that is not seen often in people under 50 years of age. However, rings around the iris is indicative of high cholesterol levels. Uncontrolled cholesterol levels increase the chance of cardiovascular disease, so you will want to go to the doctor to get the levels checked.

If you have any of these signs, then you need to listen to your body and find the solution based on what it is screaming for help about!

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