Is it possible that you had COVID-19 and not even know it? Sure it is. That is why there are so many positive cases and a good portion of those who have had those positive cases are stunned. Because they are not seriously sick. However, they are just lucky that they did not get the worst of it and they may likely be worried they had passed it onto someone else vulnerable.
Let’s look at the 15 subtle signs that you have already had the Coronavirus now:
A Sudden Fever
You do know that a fever is the hallmark of COVID-19 but you would also think it would be accompanied by respiratory issues. However, you could have not had those respiratory issues and you could have had the fever spike by itself.
Reduced Taste And Smell
Was there a time when you struggled with smelling or tasting something that is strong to taste or smell such as garlic or onions? If you are not smelling those potent foods or tasting them well, then you may have had COVID-19 as that is one of the subtle signs of it.
Struggling To Eat
If you had a time when your appetite was weak, even if you had no other symptoms, it is possible that you had COVID-19. You may have thought that you had a mild case of food poisoning where you did not get sick but your appetite was affected for days. However, the reality may have been you had the virus and did not know it.
A Cough That Is Dry
You would associate COVID-19 with a productive or wet cough producing phlegm. But sometimes that is not the case as the cough is known to be dry. Therefore, if you have a dry cough, you will want to keep an eye on it.
Nausea Or Diarrhea
Did you think that at one time you had a stomach virus where you had nausea and diarrhea for a few days? Then you were suddenly better. COVID-19 has been known to mimic stomach bugs and this is what you may have had instead.
You Were Sick As Early As Last Christmas
If you thought you had the bad flu or pneumonia as early as last Christmas or in January, then you may have had COVID-19 and did not know it. It was not really a concern until February until someone in California had it without being in contact with anyone with the virus.
You Were In Contact With Someone Who Tested Positive
You may have had no symptoms but if you were in close contact with someone who tested positive for the virus, then there is a good chance you had it as well.