For most of us, there is nothing worse than waking up to go to work after a night of terrible sleep. You feel groggy, tired, sluggish, and moody, and you just want to go back home to lay in bed again.
While many of us don’t get enough sleep due to our own bad practices––such as scrolling through social media or watching television––some people actually have trouble getting a good night’s sleep no matter what they do. This can be especially frustrating if you’re doing all you can to get to bed at a good time and unwind, yet still wake up feeling tired and hopeless.
Of course, there are some general tips that will help you to wake up feeling refreshed. Investing in blackout curtains, turning off your cell phone and the TV, practicing some meditation, and reading are all great ways to improve your ability to sleep.
However, there are several other strange ways to improve your sleep that actually work. They may sound taboo or too good to be true, but the truth is that science confirms them to work.
Don’t believe us? No worries––let’s take a look at ten strange sleeping life hacks that science agrees with. Try implementing at least one or two of them, and you’ll be thanking us later.
#10 – Drink a banana concoction before bed
Bananas are naturally rich in magnesium, which is great at helping you to calm down before bed. To make the banana water, start by tossing a banana––unpeeled but with both ends cut off–-into a pot of hot boiling water. Boil for ten minutes. Then, drain the banana water into a mug. You can add cinnamon to it and drink it right before bed.
#9 – Try to stay awake if you have insomnia
It sounds rather counterintuitive, but this hack works. A study found that people who suffered with insomnia fell asleep quicker if they made an effort to stay awake. This could be due to the fact that when you try to force yourself to go to sleep, you actually overthink and keep your brain wired.
#8 – Get rid of the visible alarm clocks
For most of us, the alarm clock is a stressful thing to see in the morning. On the same token, it is also stressful at night to even look at, which can make it more difficult for you to fall asleep at night. Instead of placing the clock right next to you on your nightstand, try putting it on the other side of the room. If you use your phone, place it upside down somewhere out of reach.
#7 – Use a pillow for your knees
Your body position as you sleep can either make your body feel good or cause you to have aches and pains when you awake. To help keep your body in a good position, especially if you have knee pain, try putting a pillow under your knees. Furthermore, you can fill in any other gaps between your body with pillows as well.
#6 – Don’t use a stiff pillow if you sleep on your stomach
If you’re someone who enjoys sleeping on their stomach, there are unfortunately a lot of health concerns that can arise just from this sleep position. One of these issues is that it can cause harm, pain, and stiffness to your neck. If you absolutely must sleep on your stomach, opt for a softer pillow. Using a hard or stiff pillow can result in further neck discomfort.
#5 – Get up and do something if you can’t fall asleep.
Instead of continuously trying to force yourself to sleep after an hour, try getting out of bed instead. It sounds counterintuitive, but doing some simple and relaxing activities such as painting or drawing can help your brain calm down. Furthermore, this helps your brain to stop associating sleeplessness with your bed.
#4 – Try blowing bubbles
Yes, we actually mean blowing soap bubbles. It sounds taboo, but it actually makes a lot of sense. When you blow bubbles, you mimic what happens in a deep breathing exercise, which helps your body and mind to relax. It is also very positive and joyful, which can help your mind let go of any worries or stress that could keep you up.
#3 – Sleep on your left side
While our bodies do look symmetrical for the most part, our internal organs are not symmetrical at all. Therefore, the position you sleep in has a big impact on your health. Studies show that sleeping on your left side is best since the stomach and gastric juices remain lower than the esophagus.
#2 – Keep your bedroom cool
In addition to feeling absolutely amazing when you can bundle up at night, sleeping in a cooler room actually helps you to sleep better. When your body is too hot, it can make you uncomfortable, causing you to wake up in the middle of the night. Aim to keep your thermostat between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit.
#1 – Eat dessert
Have you ever eaten one of your favorite sugar fixes, only to be sluggish and tired an hour after? Turns out that these carb-rich foods help the body release sleep hormones. So if you’re having trouble sleeping at night, go ahead and grab a (small) serving of dessert. You’re likely to crash into the bed an hour later.