What happened to The Library of Alexandria?
Excellent question! For all those not familiar, I will begin with just a little background. Ptolemy I founded The Library of Alexandria, at some point in the 3rd century B.C. Libraries were absolutely nothing new to historic civilizations, although places to maintain etched clay-based tablets may not be what we might consider an appropriate library these days. The preliminary objective of the Library of Alexandria was almost certainly to display Egypt’s massive wealth.
Charged with gathering the information of the planet, most of the workers in it were occupied into Greek. Scrolls were acquired from historic “book fairs” in Athens. They delivered scrolls coming from ships to it and replicated. Ptolemy additionally lent the authentic manuscripts of Aeschylus, Sophocles, as well as Euripides out of Athens.
Obviously, the library’s selection was huge.
However, the knowledge of just how many scrolls from the collection missing. Estimations vary from 40.000 scrolls up to 600.000. We can say for certain that this collection stimulated the need for a method of its organization.
Partly due to the fact it grew to become a chair of a scholarship and studying. They permitted Scholars coming from across the Hellenistic world to see it. These people researched, identified, and tutored. It was in the library that Euclid published his innovative work on geometry. Eratosthenes found how to calculate the Earth’s circumference along with remarkable precision. Herophilius found that the brain managed thought as opposed to the heart.
Regrettably, all great things must arrive at an end.
You’ll frequently hear it vanished suddenly within a fire. However, this most likely isn’t precise. What really occurred appears to have been a number of events with the time that gradually led to the actual demise of this library.
Specifically, whilst there are some reports associated with fires within Alexandria associated with its deterioration, there is absolutely no solid historical evidence of the actual “great fire” that destroyed the whole thing. Therefore, you’ll frequently hear 3 names bandied about since the top members in its death: Julius Caesar, Theophilus of Alexandria, as well as Caliph Omar of Damascus.
Legend has it which Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria began wrecking pagan wats or temples over Christianity. The traditional “pagan” scrolls included in the collection were a point of legislation. In case Theophilius ruined the library in Alexandria, it was possibly the “daughter library’ set up through Ptolemy III. It included far fewer scrolls compared to the historic fantastic library.
The story plot about Caliph Omar is nearly certainly made-up. Omar overcame Egypt as well as supposedly burnt the publications in the library since they are not in accordance with the Koran’s theories.
The more than likely origin of the fire hypothesis is actually Julius Caesar’s activities throughout a war along with Alexandria. Julius Caesar did start a fire to the dockyards of Alexandria. He doesn’t claim whether the fire passed on towards the library. However, it’s unlikely it did, in spite of certain historical accounts.
Nonetheless, scrolls saved in warehouses across the harbor most likely burned, which is probably that Caesar’s guys looted the actual library as well as took a lot of scrolls to Rome.
However, if it wasn’t ruined by a fire and also the initial library is not standing these days, then something must have occurred to explain losing of so many materials. If anyone event led to the fast collapse of this Library, it is unknown. Contrary to public opinion it is more likely that mundane issues led to the actual “destruction”. Things such as time taking its cost on the accumulated knowledge, along with scrolls.
Several conquering emperors took most of its’s collection as ruins of battle to other areas of the world, breaking up the texts. It’s feasible religious frontrunners, taking criminal offense to a few of the contents, might have had a few of the scrolls ruined as well.
In any case, losing the data included in the library is sufficient in order to still the soul of many academics these days.

Nevertheless, this particular story has something of the happy ending. In 2002, they constructed one more library close to the site of the initial Library of Alexandria. Bibliotheca Alexandrina should maintain the nature of the authentic library. Now, just in case, the new building is practically fireproof.