There Are A Few Things You Must Do If You Want To Avoid Mice

There Are A Few Things You Must Do If You Want To Avoid Mice

You have heard of so many homeowners or those renting homes and apartments complaining about having problems with mice. Mice may be cute, but they are a menace as they not only leave diseases around but they can chew wires which can cause electrical fires. They can contaminate your food and they are a hassle to remove. You would have to call a pest control professional so you can get the mice away. However, why not do what you can to prevent having a problem with mice in the first place by proactively doing a few things to keep them at bay? That will certainly do the trick when it comes to you not having to worry about having mice problems in your home or apartment. Let’s now take a look at what you can do to prevent mice from becoming problematic for you.

Rodent-Proof Metal Or Heavy Plastic Containers Are A Great Investment

Rodents love grains and if you have grains in the raw form, you are not going to repel mice from them by keeping them in a plastic or paper bag, even if it is heavy. That is why you will want to invest in rodent-proof metal or heavy plastic containers and put the grains inside of those. That also applies to pet food, fresh or uneaten, and bird seeds. It is also a good idea to keep one of these containers in your garage for storing grass if you must store grass, to begin with, like so many homeowners do. If you live in an apartment then you do not need to worry about that.

Don’t Leave Fallen Fruit In Your Yard

If you have a tree or a plant that grows fruit, then you will know that the fruit will fall. Therefore, you will want to pick up fallen fruit from the trees or plants right away. If you leave the fruit lying out there to decompose in the yard, mice and other rodents will become attracted to that. The best thing to do is to put the fallen fruit into an organic wastebasket and keep it closed in your garage or if you have one that keeps odors at bay, you can keep it underneath your sink in your kitchen.

Keep Your Garbage Cans Out Of Reach

Rodents will rummage through your garbage and the best thing to do is to place them on six-inch-high wood platforms in your garage. More importantly, you will want to ensure that the lids fit well and tight and then you can always keep them tight by fastening them with rubber cords if needed. You do not want to have garbage cans that have holes and cracks as it is best to toss them away. If you don’t have a garage and you live in a condominium or an apartment, then you will want to make sure that the garbage cans are sealed properly and to the point that rodents cannot get into them.

Look For Small Holes And Seal Them

Mice can fit through small holes as they have the ability to do so. Therefore, you will want to look for small holes and fill them with plaster, caulking, and cement. That way, mice cannot get into your home or apartment.

If you are able to do all of that, then you will not likely have a problem with mice and other pests. Mice are cute, and no one can dispute that but they are a huge nuisance if you don’t keep them away from your home or apartment. It is better to be safe by taking these precautions than sorry.

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