Coffee and tea both have benefits. However, how good is tea for you regardless of the type? Tea is full of excellent properties that are beneficial for your health such as phytochemicals as well as antioxidants that can help you in many ways.
Are you ready to learn about 12 reasons as to why you will want to keep drinking that tea?
Yes, let’s go over them right now.
#12 – Kills Of Free Radicals To Keep Your Body Healthy
Free radicals in the body are what is behind many types of cancers, degenerative diseases, as well as heart disease. And tea has properties that do kill off many free radicals in the body. Therefore, this is also how it can help you stay healthy.
#11 – Lowers The Risk Of Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease is genetic as heart disease and many types of cancers. However, with its powerful benefits, studies have shown that tea actually can help lower the risk of anyone developing Parkinson’s Disease despite whether anyone is genetically predisposed or not. That is a huge motivating reason to keep drinking that tea.
#10 – Helps You Stabilize Blood Sugar
In order to reduce your risk of developing diabetes, you will want to drink tea as it contains elements that can help your body process blood sugar and keep it at a reasonable level. And this is why diabetics would benefit from drinking tea, as it helps keep their blood sugar in check as well.
#9 – Your Mental Health Improves So You Are Happier
Tea’s properties are good for your brain as it helps you release the important neurotransmitters that keep your mood elevated that are needed. They are serotonin and dopamine which are the happy chemicals in your brain that keep you feeling good, mentally and emotionally.
#8 – Helps Prevent Neurological Degenerative Diseases
Green tea, in particular, has polyphenols that can help keep the memory area of your brain stronger, as well as increased cognitive function. Therefore, degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s can potentially be warded off. There is more research to be done on this but the findings so far are pointing to this fact.
#7 – Slims You Down
Tea has properties that help burn fat as it helps speed up the metabolism while exercising. Additionally, it helps your muscle endurance improve as well. Therefore, if you are on a weight-loss kick and you need some natural help while you are practicing a lifestyle that supports it – then drink some tea, especially green, black, or white tea.
#6 – Strengthens Your Heart Muscles
Tea is excellent for your cardiovascular health as it has properties that strengthen it, and will help prevent a heart attack from coming on. It can also help prevent other cardiovascular diseases as well.
#5 – A Cancer Fighter
Tea has many antioxidants that can help fight off cancer cells in particular in the breast, stomach, liver, pancreas, colon, and some other cancers. However, tea alone will not prevent the onset of cancer either. Even though some benefits have been found, there needs to be more research conducted on this matter.
#4 – Tea Hydrates You

This may sound counterintuitive considering that most teas contain caffeine that can cause dehydration – but tea has the ability to keep your body hydrated quite well. Therefore, if you really are not in the mood for water, you will want to drink that tea and you can which is great for you to know. However, it is still advisable to drink as much water as you can regardless even though tea will do the job.
#3 – Helps Keep Your Skin Protected From UV Rays
This sounds incredible but there are properties in most teas, especially green, white, or black that can protect you from UV rays from the sun. This can keep your skin protected from ending up with certain types of cancers, premature aging, or drying out. However, this also does not mean to skip the sunscreen if you plan to spend a lot of time out in the sun. What this means is that the properties of tea can strengthen and optimize the benefits of sunscreen. Therefore when you utilize both, consider yourself protected.
#2 – Your Bones Get Stronger
If you don’t think you are getting enough calcium and vitamin D because you are either allergic to dairy or you plain don’t like it – you can drink green tea instead. The properties in green tea have been found to keep bones stronger. You will still want to get calcium and vitamin D from supplements if you must, but green tea can help as well!
#1 – Helps People Who Have Quit Smoking Heal Quicker
Quitting smoking is a tough thing to do, but it is one of the best things you can do for your body and overall health. And once you do quit, you do become healthier. However, if you drink green tea or any tea, the properties in it can help your lung tissues heal even quicker. While you are weaning yourself off of cigarettes, you will want to pick up some tea as well.
Now that you know that tea can help your health, you will want to make sure you grab a lot of it and make a habit of drinking it daily.