For centuries natural disasters have etched their names into history, and earthquakes, in particular, have remained one of the most feared kinds of natural disasters. This article will focus on sharing ten of the most destructive earthquakes to have ever hit us.
San Francisco, USA (1906)

In one minute an earthquake destroyed this city with the most extensive ground rupturing ever witnessed by mankind. Huge differences in the shaking of ground on sedimented rock versus bedrock gave geologists a new understanding of earthquake hazards. Up to 6000 people were killed and much of the damange was caused by secondary hazards such as broken gas lines and disrupted water supplies. Did you know that uncontrolled fires burnt in San Francisco for 4 days and 4 nights. These fires accounted for much of the aftermath and destruction caused by the earthquake.
Haiyuan County, China (1920)

Haiyuan (Ningxia) was victimized by a destructive quake that measured by today’s standards an 8.5 magnitude. This disaster occurred on December 16th and is often referred to as the Gensu earthquake (at the time, Ningxia was part of the Gensu province).
Landslides and ground cracks ripped through the epicenter and between 200,000-240,000 people died with tens of thousands more injured. Another chinese earthquake and the fourth deadliest quake on record. 3
Valdivia, Chile (1960)

This magnitude 9.5 earthquake is the strongest ever recorded. Severe ground shaking caused massive damage and generated a tsunami with waves as high as 38 feet. It caused hundreds of deaths in Chile, Hawaii, Japan and the Phillippines.
The Great Alaskan Earthquake, USA (1964)

The 1964 Alaskan earthquake, also known as the Great Alaskan earthquake and Good Friday earthquake, occurred at 5:36 PM AKST on Good Friday, March 27. Across south-central Alaska, ground fissures, collapsing structures, and tsunamis resulting from the earthquake caused about 131 deaths.
Lasting four minutes and thirty-eight seconds, the magnitude 9.2 megathrust earthquake remains the most powerful earthquake recorded in North American history, and the second most powerful earthquake recorded in world history.
Tangshan, China (1976)
Chinese villagers have long remembered 1976 as “the year of the curse”. On July 27th an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 on the richter scale struck China’s Tanshan region. The initial quake lasted for 10 seconds and featured aftershocks hitting as high as 8.2 on the richter scale. This was a devastating earthquake hitting a population of around 15 million and leaving casualty figures ranging from 500,000-800,000 dead.
Now despite scientists having a poor record in terms of predicting earthquakes the Tanshan incident was one event that benefitted greatly from an early prediction. Damage limitation is what it’s all about and scientist are certain that many more would’ve died if the area hadn’t received early warning from the State Seismological Bureau (SSB) Analysis and Prediction Department. The organization estimated that an earthquake would occur between mid-July and early August (1976). It took 60 people, including the esteemed official, Wang Chunging to warn the population and prepare for the disaster.
In all, there was 10 billion yen in total damage, and an estimated 85% of the buildings in Tanshan were destroyed. The Communist Party at the time of the incident turned down any international aid as the government wanted to be self reliant and not depend on Western funds.
Mexico City, Mexico (1985)
A magnitude 8.1 subduction zone earthquake devastated Mexico City in 1985 killing almost 9000 people. The epicenter of the quake was almost 220 miles offshore and despite this the damage was extensive. The city shook for almost 3-4 minutes with many areas especially those that were built on the silty sediments of Lake Texcoco take a big hit.
San Francisco, USA (1989)
America’s national pastime was briefly interrupted in October 1989 by an earthquake which is amazing because it was captured on live television. The San Francisco Giants were playing against the Chicago Cubs when Candlestick Park shook. Television cameras filmed the chaos and for about ten seconds, people tumbled to the ground, debris fell from buildings and everyday life in San Francisco came to a halt.
In total 80 people were killed and hundreds severly injured. Despite the death toll being tiny in comparison to the previously mentioned Chinese quakes, we decided to include this quake in our list due to the sheer cost of damage and disruption caused by this quake. Totals reached hundreds of millions of dollars and it became one of America’s biggest earthquakes of recent times.
For San Francisco the quake had done it’s damage and to top things off after the world series was delayed for two weeks, they eventually got swept by the Oakland Athletics 4-0.
Kobe, Japan (1995)
This fierce subduction zone earthquake first struck near Awaji Island where the ground heaved up almost 9 feet. Seismic waves then propogated through the crust to Kobe (12 miles away). The damage caused was extensive making this one of the worlds most expensive disasters.
Sichuan Province, CHINA (2008)
China’s Communist government prepared for the Beijing Olympics. It spent over $10 billion building up security, celebration decorations, television coverage and constructing their Olympic Village. All of that changed on May 12th when the Sichuan province was hit with a 7.9 magnitude quake.
Over 69,000 were killed and thousands more injured, another 18,222 were listed as missing or presumed dead, and about five million people in total were made homeless. In total the disaster affected 15 million people but despite this the Chinese were able to open the Summer Olympics on schedule.
Indian Ocean (2004)
A massive earthquake ripped through Southeast Asia, when the Indian Oceans floor cracked. The eruption created a 100-ft. tsunami (tidal wave) that swept through Sri Lanka, Thailand, Laos and Indonesia. It destroyed beaches, resorts and coastal towns with thousands of civilians, including western tourists killed and drowned by its destruction. Over 240,000 people died and billions of dollars went into rebuilding.