Here’s a top 10 list of the smallest countries in the world. Some nations are so small that cities within other countries are giants compared to them. Some people believe that if they live in a big country, they will not experience overcrowding. However, being overcrowded does not depend on size alone. There are times when some countries are small enough, but their population rate is not too high. If you checked out world maps, you would be able to see the list of all countries in the world together with high population rates.
1 – Maldives

A lot of people do not even know that the Maldives exists. It is a small tropical country located in Asia. People know the Maldives because of its beautiful beaches and exotic setting. It has a total area of 115 square miles.
2 – Seychelles

One of the top tourist destinations of the world is Seychelles. Known for its pristine beaches, people flock the country fully aware that it is one of the smallest countries in the world. One of the great things about the country is that it has 115 islands with different shapes and sizes that tourists will surely enjoy.
3 – St. Kitts and Nevis

A lot of people are not fully aware that St. Kitts and Nevis truly exist. It is not usually included in the list of countries that people are familiar with. The total area of the country is 104 square miles. People who are nearer to the country know that this country has a lot of historical monuments that people can check out if they would choose to.
4 – Marshall Islands

From a far, Marshall Island already looks very interesting. It is unlike all the other countries in the world right now because of its unique shape. One of the best things about the small country is the people. A lot of the locals of the area are very hospitable and treat tourists well. As a result, some people have stayed for good, which has increased the population of people living in the area. The total square area of the country is 70 square miles.
5 – Liechtenstein

In the past, a lot of castles and countries are separated with each other, but right now, Liechtenstein is one of the few remaining states that have continued to become separate from the rest of its neighboring countries. Aside from the fact that it is small, it only has 62 square miles of total property, it does not have a seaport or an airport which makes it harder for tourists to travel to the country.
6 – San Marino

San Marino is near Italy. There are even some that assume that it is a part of Italy, but it is not. It has stayed independent all throughout. It only occupies 24 square miles, but its size does not stop people from visiting the place. A lot of tourists flock the area every year just to check out the different sceneries of the country.
7 – Tuvalu

Tuvalu is a unique country because of the fact that it is entirely surrounded by water. Some experts have expressed their distress because of the fact that a massive wave can engulf the whole country in water. The country has been doing continuous work on its land area to be safer against natural calamities.
8 – Nauru

The country of Nauru is located between Hawaii and Australia. Aside from the fact that it has beautiful sceneries that tourists can check out, the locals are more concerned about their weight. They have recently been included in the list of fattest nations all over the world. The fact that they have bigger people than America has made people more concerned. The 10,000 people living in the country are sharing around 8.2 square miles of land.
9 – Monaco

A lot of people know that Monaco is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. It is already a known fact that the cost of living of the people here is very high. The prices of good are higher here than in other countries. Since it has no income tax, a lot of tourists still visit the country every single year. It is a small country with only 1 square mile of land.
10 – Vatican City

Even before the book made by Dan Brown “The Vinci Code” was released, people are already familiar with the Vatican city which tops our list for top 10 smallest countries. Even though it is the smallest country, it has the biggest church. This is actually where the Pope leaves, and this is the reason why so many people believe that the place is holy. The structure of the country is very nice and attracts a lot of tourists every single year.