Top 10 Ugliest Cat Breeds

Cats have been around for thousands and thousands of years. They have elevated their status by being the most popular pet in the world. People already know that cats are very independent, yet they still strive for human affection. The fact that they are not as needy as dogs make them the perfect companion for people who do not like too much petting. Still, some cat breeds are a bit unusual for some people’s taste.

Here is our list of Top 10 Ugliest Cat Breeds

1 – Sphynx

Ugliest Cat Breeds Sphynx

The number 1 cat on our list is the Sphynx. Some people do not like the way it looks at all. It is a breed of cat that does not have any fur, and this can be very weird for those who like cats with lots of fur. However, one of the main reasons why people avoid this breed is because of the fact that they can be high maintenance even without hair. Their skin is also very sensitive and would need to be moisturized as much as possible. Still, those who own Sphynx like the fact that it is unique and different from what people usually own.

2 – Minskin


Number 2 on our list is the Minskin. If you think that the Munchkin is unusual enough, then you would be surprised to know that this cat breed is even smaller. This breed is relatively new. It has been shown to the people around 1998. It has been said that this cat has been made with the breeding of Devon Rex Munchkin and Sphynx cat.

3 – Pixie Bob

Pixie Bob

Number 3 on our list is the Pixie Bob. A lot of people have commented that Pixie Bobs look like the wild Bobcat, but this breed is domesticated. Still, some people avoid this breed because they can grow big in size. This is not very advisable for people who do not have a garden and would have to keep their cat inside the house at all times. One of the things that make this breed unusual is the fact that it rarely makes any sound like the usual meowing. In fact, some owners claim that their cat has never meowed at all.

4 – Munchkin


Number 4 on our list is the Munchkin. For those who are not familiar with this breed, there is nothing wrong with the way it looks. That is until you see its legs. The legs of the Munchkin are tiny, and it does not grow much. It can have a great, big tail, but its legs will remain the same. Some people are very discriminating of the Munchkin and do not include its breed to their list of cat breeds.

5 – Teacup Persians

Teacup Persians

We are now in the middle of our list. Number 5 on our Ugliest Cat Breeds list is the Teacup Persians. While this particular breed is not at all ugly, it is still highly unusual because the adult size of this type of Persian will only weigh 7 -13 pounds. They are also smaller than the usual Persian. The reason why it is different is that it is genetic mutations that have been made by people.

6 – Savannah


Number 6 on our list is the Savannah. While it is true that a Savannah has a lot of markings, spots, and stripes, this is only because of the fact that it is the product of the cross-breed between an African Wild Cat and a Domestic cat. Still, people do not like the fact that it can be more than 50% wild, so they avoid this breed. Cat owners of the Savannah though know that Savannahs can be very loyal pets. They also tend to love water, so it would be a breeze giving them a bath.

7 – Khao Manee

Khao Manee

Number 7 on our list is the Khao Manee. It is a type of Siamese cat which has different colored eyes. While people may think that this is cute, some people think that this is a defect and would rather not own a cat breed like this. However, they have been known to be very gentle creatures that would also need to be loved.

8 – Japanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtail

Number 8 Ugliest Cat Breeds on our list is the Japanese Bobtail. From the name itself, you can already guess that the tail of this cat is unusual. It is actually compared to the tail of rabbits because it is all puffed out and round. Some people have said that their Japanese Bobtails hop instead of walk when going from place to place. This is probably the reason why some people would instead steer away from this breed.

9 – Scottish Fold

Ugliest Cat Breeds Scottish Fold

Next on our list at Number 9 is the Scottish Fold. There is something peculiar about the way the ears of the Scottish Fold almost looks nonexistent. While it makes up for its particularly cute face and body, some people find the small ears a bit scary because it can be unusual for cats.

10 – Devon Rex

Ugliest Cat Breeds Devon Rex

Coming in at Top 10 Ugliest Cat Breeds is the Devon Rex. Some people do not like how it looks like at all since it has big ears and it does not have much fur. However, the cool thing about its fur is the fact that it grows curly. It is a shame that it does not grow much longer, it would have been one cute breed. Still, the Devon Rex is brilliant and can be taught some tricks that can be learned by dogs as well.

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