10 Types of Arthritis You Could Have – and How to Tell the Difference

Arthritis is associated with joint pain, but it really is a condition that is the result of other conditions. In other words, arthritis is quite complicated. It is the result of over 200 musculoskeletal conditions that cause pain as well as inflammation of joints that fall into several groups.

10 Types of Arthritis You Could Have - and How to Tell the Difference

The five groups of arthritis consist of connective tissue disease, musculoskeletal pain, back pain, mechanical arthritis, as well as inflammatory arthritis. There are 10 types of arthritis conditions and you can tell the difference between each one that is listed below.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that causes wrist and hand pain, and it is a result of utilizing the same fine motor skill work over and over again. If you are constantly typing, for instance, it can damage the nerves in your wrist and hands and cause extreme pain and numbness. In order to help your wrist and hand heal, wear a splint overnight.



This condition causes muscle pain, fatigue, memory problems, and changes in moods. The constant pain can cause depression and anxiety. It is not known what causes the condition but it may be genetic. Sleep, physical activity, and a healthy diet are treatments for it.



Lupus is an autoimmune condition that causes joint pain and swelling and affects other organs as well. Many sufferers have a sensitivity to sunlight, fatigue, pain, and a rash that has the shape of a butterfly on the face. It is unknown what causes lupus but it may be the result of genetic links. Anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids are common treatments and the advanced stages may need immunosuppressive therapy treatments.



This is the type of arthritis that people think of as this is also referred to as OA, and it is a degenerative type of arthritis. This can be the result of trauma or simply aging. However, lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, exercise, and weight loss can help lessen the severity of it.



Osteoporosis is the condition of bones breaking down with age and they become brittle. This condition can increase the chances of fractures and it can also cause shrinkage. A lack of calcium and vitamin D in the diet can increase the chances of this condition from happening. It can also be the result of genetics.

Paget’s Disease

Paget’s Disease

Paget’s disease is a condition that is slow to progress and it results in the bones not growing properly. What happens is that those who have this condition end up with bones that are weak but large and are not shaped properly. Those who have this disease have it targeting the spine, the skull, and the pelvis mostly. The only treatment that can be given is bisphosphonates which only can slow its progression.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriasis is a skin condition whereas the dead skin does not fall off as new skin grows which causes painful and hard skin patches that are scaly. Those who have this condition can also develop inflammation of the joints as well as the skin which is psoriatic arthritis. Exercise, as well as steroids, can help treat the condition.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis or RA is an autoimmune form of arthritis-like lupus whereas your immune system thinks that the joint tissues that are healthy are dangerous. It causes swelling and inflammation and can affect different parts of the body. Joint pain and stiffness, as well as fatigue, are common symptoms. Immunosuppressive therapy is the way to treat the condition.



Your tendons are the tissues that are thick and keep your muscles anchored to your skeleton. When your tendons become inflamed that is what tendinitis is. It can be a result of you playing contact sports as well as playing tennis or golf. The symptoms are stiffness, soreness, and just pain. Numbing and anti-inflammatory creams are treatments as well as icing the area. Eventually, it will heal.



This form of arthritis is also autoimmune such as lupus and RA. Your immune system attacks healthy blood vessels as it thinks they are an invader like an infection. The vessels become narrow and make you feel very tired as well as weak. The condition can cause inflammation of joints as well as paralysis and weight loss. Modifying antirheumatic drugs can be prescribed for this condition.

Arthritis is a tricky and confusing condition and the reason is that there are many types and factors with it. The best thing to do is educate yourself if you fear you are developing the condition.

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