10 Ways to Erase Broken Capillaries – and Prevent Them Completely

If you look closely at your skin, you will find that there are broken blood vessels underneath it. And if they are so visible, then they are embarrassing to have. Genetics does make you more prone to having broken capillaries but they are often caused by skin damage from UV rays, and injuries can also cause them to happen.

10 Ways to Erase Broken Capillaries - and Prevent Them Completely

Fortunately, there are ways to erase them and to prevent them from happening in the future. Let’s look at those 10 ways to do all of that right now.

Resist The Urge To Pop A Pimple

Resist The Urge To Pop A Pimple

Popping pimples is a sure way to bring on skin damage which results in broken capillaries. The best thing to do is to not give into that urge to keep your skin protected. You can use acne treatments that are natural such as pomegranate oil, rose hip oil, or argan oil for examples. Those natural acne-fighting properties can also help heal damaged skin! Instead of looking to pop pimples, look for ways to naturally fight acne and to heal your skin as well.

Protect Your Skin From UV Rays

Protect Your Skin From UV Rays

If you want to go and get some natural Vitamin D, then you should but be careful as you don’t want to spend too much time in the sun. You will end up with UV ray damage otherwise, and you will end up with skin damage in addition to more broken capillaries. Put on sunscreen that is at least 15 SPF and you if you end up with a burn, treat it right away. Aloe can help heal your skin and bring comfort to burns as well.

Stay Away From Vasodilators

Spicy Foods

What are vasodilators? Unfortunately, they can include the foods you enjoy such as anything with caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods. Also being in contact with a heater turned up high counts as a vasodilator as well. Even though these things do dilate your blood vessels and aren’t really responsible for broken blood vessels, they do amplify any redness which includes rosacea. If you can’t stay away from these things, then you will want to strictly limit them.

Stay Away From Electrodessication

Stay Away From Electrodessication

Electrodessication is notorious for leaving you with scarring, tissue damage bruises, and of course, broken capillaries. Because ironically electrodessication was the treatment for broken capillaries which ended up worsening the problem. Don’t consider it if you are looking to have your broken capillaries treated.

Go With BBL Laser Treatment Instead

Broad band light therapy which is known as BBL can remove broken capillaries. It can also fix brown spots, skin lesions, as well as acne. However, the light frequency can mix brown with red which means the brown pigment can be picked up if it’s on a high frequency. If you want to go with BBL laser treatment, you will need to go in for a few sessions.

VBeam Laser Treatment Is A Great Option

VBeam Laser Treatment Is A Great Option

If you are only concerned about getting rid of broken capillaries, then VBeam laser treatment is a great option. That is because light frequency picks up easily on the color red. However, if you are looking to have other skin problems that are of other colors such as brown spots removed, you won’t be able to use VBeam laser treatment for that.

Topical Vitamin A Treatments Help

Vitamin A

You can always go with topical Vitamin A creams which are known as tretinoin to erase broken capillaries. They are helpful by increasing the quantity of collagen and that helps to improve the quality of the skin. Talk to your dermatologist if you want to go down this route if you are not keen on trying out any of the laser treatments.

Don’t Make A Habit Of Exfoliating Too Often

Exfoliate death skin cells

You want to clear your skin of dirt, dead cells, and other substances. However, if you exfoliate daily, you are ruining your skin and blood vessels. In fact, experts say to not exfoliate your skin more than three times a week, and it is best to keep it really at twice a week if you must. It is important to clear your skin but it is also important to be safe about how often you do it.

Beware Of Temperature Extremes

Beware Of Temperature Extremes

Temperature extremes can break your capillaries. Extreme heat or extreme cold will cause stress to your skin and ruin your blood vessels. Therefore, it is highly important to limit your time spent outdoors if you are in the middle of a summer heatwave, or if there is a polar vortex during the winter. Dress with a T-shirt and shorts that are made of cotton and don’t forget to put sunscreen on if you must go outside in the middle of a heatwave. On the flipside, if it is a freezing cold day, dress warmly with a winter coat, gloves, a hat, a scarf, and gloves.

Look Into Natural Remedies

Look Into Natural Remedies

Natural remedies that can help heal your capillaries are a consideration. It won’t work wonders like laser treatment, but they are helpful. You can try topical natural remedies such as Vitamin E, arnica, or grape seed extract to apply to the areas that are troublesome.

With these remedies and preventative measures in place, you should not have to walk around with broken capillaries anymore. There is no need to do that since you have solutions right in front of you. Go find the one that you feel is best for your situation.

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