Dealing with excessive gas? Here are 7 Ways to Tame Your Farts

Having gas is normal because one of the most common reasons for gas is that the bacteria in your gut leave gas of its own. And the only way to release it is through farting. And the reality is that most people fart between 14 to 23 times a day, but most of the time they don’t have an odor and cannot be detected. It may sound like a lot of farting but it really is not.

Dealing with excessive gas? Here are 6 Ways to Tame Your Farts

Another common cause of gas is releasing the air you take in when you eat and drink. And gas is made up of different gasses that include nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen, and occasionally, methane. However, farts can also be very embarrassing and inconvenient.

Even though you cannot stop farting altogether, there are 8 ways you can tame them, and let’s go over those now.

#7 – Limit How Often You Chew Gum

Chew gum

As you know as you swallow air, your increase how much gas you have. Chewing gum means you are swallowing air. If you limit how often you chew gum, you will swallow less air. Therefore, try to chew it less.

#6 – Try To Limit Foods That Produce Gas

Not Eating Enough Fiber

Foods that contain insoluble fiber, sugar, fructose, lactose, and starches are notorious for causing gas. Therefore foods that have sugars such as cabbage, beans, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, and broccoli should be limited. The same goes for sorbitol, whole grains, and vegetables. Foods with fructose include fruit juices, soda, onions, and artichokes should be also limited.

Dairy products, starches, and foods that have insoluble fiber such as legumes, oat bran, and most fruits should also be limited. Those foods are gas-producers.

#5 – Carbonated Beverages Are Culprits For Farting

Hydration drink water

The next time you are in the mood for soda, remember that they will cause you to fart. They can also cause you to belch. That is because they contain air bubbles that will get into your gastrointestinal tract and farting and belching is the only way to release these bubbles.

#4 – Walk/Exercise

walking boosts heart health

If you eat a large meal, you will want to allow it to digest for about a half-hour, but then take a brisk walk after as it will help keep your digestion going and reduce the amount of gas you have as well.

#3 – Enzyme Supplements Can Help


Sometimes it is worth considering taking an OTC enzyme supplement that can help break complex carbohydrates down such as Beano. The enzyme that helps with digestion is called a-galactosidase breaks complex carbohydrates into the small intestine whereas normally it would be pushed into the large intestine where the bacteria resides. When the bacteria break it down, that is what produces the gas. Probiotics can help as well.

#2 – Be Mindful When You Eat


eating slowIf you eat too quickly, you will take in more air which means you will end up farting or belching which is another way to release gas. If you eat slowly and in a mindful manner, you will reduce the amount of flatulence you produce. If you are eating on the go, remember to be mindful which is a time when it is easy to forget.

#1 – Don’t Let Yourself Become Constipated

Knock Out Stress From Your Life

If you poop regularly you will decrease the number of times you fart. The reason for that is when you are constipated, your poop is sitting in your colon fermenting which causes more gas and the gas is very smelly. Drink plenty of water and take in soluble fiber such as Metamucil if you are struggling to go.

Farting is embarrassing, but it is a natural part of life. And with these 8 tips to utilize, those farts can be tamed!

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