What Are The Subtle Signs Of Cancer In Pets That Their Parents May Not See?

What Are The Subtle Signs Of Cancer In Pets That Their Parents May Not See?

Cancer happens to humans and animals and pets unfortunately often get cancer. However, if you fear your pet could be showing early signs of cancer if you can work with the vet and find an early treatment, then generally the prognosis is good. And the key for that to happen is to catch cancer early on so your pet has the best chance at living a good full life. The signs of cancer to look for in your pet are:

Weight Loss

One of the key signs of cancer in humans and animals is if there is weight loss that has an unknown cause. Unexplained weight loss has always been a red flag. However, if your pet is older and is losing weight, you may think that this is a normal part of aging. Especially if the signs of weight loss are so subtle. Unexplained weight loss does not mean it is rapid either. Therefore, if your pet is slowly losing weight then you need to have that checked.

Bumps On Skin

It is normal for dogs to develop lumps and bumps on their skin as they age. And pet parents may not worry if the bumps are small but here is the thing, small bumps can still be cancerous. Pets can develop cancer anywhere in their bodies and can also cause lumps and bumps to form in the belly area which makes them also appear overweight. Pets can also get those bumps and lumps in their mouths which is not easy to find in most cases unless you are looking for them. You may want to examine your pet’s mouth to see if there are any lumps or bumps. Or, the vet will do it and will be able to spot tumors if you are finding them on the body.

Fur Changes

A healthy pet will have a healthy-looking coat that is full and glossy, but if your pet has cancer, the condition of the coat will become ruined. That is because the fur becomes brittle or dry, there is a lot of dandruff, and there could be too much shedding in addition to scaling and skin infections. If there is cancer in the endocrine system, then it can cause these changes to the pet’s fur, and also if there is pain in a particular area then the pet will lick the area too much to the point it will become brown.

Appetite Changes

If your pet is eating more or less than before, then that also could be a sign of cancer. You may think that pets with cancer don’t eat much but sometimes the opposite can happen. The reason that the pet may eat more is that some cancers take in more calories. And some types of cancer don’t change the pet’s appetite but can cause weight loss anyway.

Changes In Bathroom Behavior

If your pet is urinating more often that can be a sign of cancer, or if your pet is taking more time to relieve his bowels due to constipation that can be a sign of cancer. If your pet is straining to urinate, then it can mean there is cancer in the kidneys or bladder area causing obstructions.

Also, your pet’s behavior will change as they may become more sleepy, snappy, and may show a lack of interest in things. Any changes that are subtle or sudden you will need to have the vet check and bloodwork will usually show tumor markers that indicate that the pet has cancer. But the good news is if treatment is early, then the prognosis is good for your pet to live a great life.

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